OHA Drinking Water Services

OHA Drinking Water Services
Water Advisory Details

PWS ID: OR41 00996
Advisory Type: Do Not Drink Water
Reason: Arsenic
Area Affected: System-wide
Affected Populations: All
Begin Date: Jan 16, 2018
Date Lifted: Jan 30, 2018
Who Was Contacted: Burke Hansen
Contact Phone: 541-510-0448
Details: Burke Hansen with Delta Operations was contacted and provided a copy of the Arsenic Do Not Drink advisory to fill out and post. Burke contacted the manager onsite last night who gave a verbal do not drink notice to everyone and posted the written notice today. Burke verified the sample tap that was used was after treatment. Burke stated the media is not absorbing anymore and they are looking for new media today to change as soon as possible. Burke thought the new media could be here by this week. Following the media change out the system will collect an arsenic sample. Advisory will remain in affect until a confirmation sample shows arsenic below MCL.

Lifted 01/30/2018:  Delta Operations re-bedded one of the filters and had a sample collected and tested at the lab, the result was 0.004 ppm. The system can lift the do not drink advisory today. They will have the rest of the media later this week to re-bed the other filter tank.

Update 02/12/2019:  Delta operations have contacted AdEdge company to get the correct media to replace the filter bed for treatment. They are working to get the product purchased through the company and should have a ship date soon. Delta Operations will let us know when they have a ship date and when the filter can be fixed.

Associated Alerts: CHEM7838 - 01/16/2018 - ARSENIC

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4672
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