OHA Drinking Water Services
Data Search Options

Welcome to Data Online, the data access site for Oregon Drinking Water Services. See below for various data search options.

Water System Inventory List:  List of all public drinking water systems in Oregon, with options to filter and download.

Water System Search:  Find a public drinking water system in Oregon by ID number, name, or location.

Drinking Water Data Online FAQ / Glossary

Information by water system:

Basic system information including population, contact person's name and phone number, county served, number of connections, sources of water used, and Consumer Confidence reports.

Coliform Results includes date sample was collected, sample type, results, and more.

Coliform Summary: This includes the period (month or quarter), number of routines reported, number of positive routines, number of repeats, number of positive repeats, and more.

Chemical Results includes date sample was collected, results, and more.

Chemical Summary shows when each of the major groups of chemical testing was completed.

Lead & Copper includes milestones and 90% percentile data. The milestones lists the events that have occurred under the Lead and Copper Rule and the 90% data lists the levels of lead and copper found.

Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) lists summary responses of a system's treatment of surface water. Only water systems that use surface water will have reports. The summary includes whether or not they met the turbidity standards (MCL and 5 NTUs), had enough contact time for treatment (Met CTs), and had a measurable level of disinfectant coming into and in the distribution system (Met CL-...).

Contact Reports are summaries of phone calls, letters, and field visits made with a water system. Included are the date of the contact, who was contacted, and a short description of the purpose.

Violations includes the period the violation occurred and what rule was broken. Some violations are for a single time period and some are ongoing (Must Filter, Chemical MCLs, and Lead and Copper).

Enforcement Actions and Public Notice Summary shows all enforcement actions taken against the water system and their current status.

Publice Notice Summary shows all public notices required to be issued by the water system, as well as all public notices a system has issued and submitted to Drinking Water Services.

All data search options

More information for this water system:
System Info  ::  Report for Lenders  ::  Alerts  ::  Violations  ::  Compliance & Enforcement  ::  Contacts & Advisories  ::  Site Visits  ::  Public Notice
Coliform Summary  ::  Coliform Results  ::  Coliform Schedules  ::  LT2  ::  GW/GWUDI Source Details  ::  Plan Review  ::  Annual Fee
Chemical Summary  ::  Chemical Results  ::  Chemical Schedules  ::  Chemical Schedule Summary  ::  Arsenic RAA  ::  Cyanotoxins  ::  PFAS
Lead & Copper  ::  DBP Sample Sites  ::  FANLs  ::  MRDL  ::  GWR 4-Log  ::  Turbidity  ::  SWTR  ::  LRAA  ::  DW Source Protection

Information for all water systems:
Water System Inventory  ::  Water System Surveys  ::  Outstanding Performers  ::  Treatment Plant Inspections  ::  Treatment  ::  Plan Reviews
Alerts  ::  Violations  ::  Compliance & Enforcement  ::  Deficiencies  ::  System Scores  ::  Exceedances  ::  Public Notices  ::  Service Lines
Water Advisories  ::  Contact Reports  ::  Cyanotoxins  ::  PFAS  ::  Post-wildfire VOCs  ::  Fluoride  ::  Certification List  ::  DW Source Protection

Main menu:
Introduction  ::  Data Search Options  ::  Water System Search  ::  DWS Home  ::  DWS Rules

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