OHA Drinking Water Services
System Score PagesAbout

System Scores

Regulating Agency
All Agencies
State - Region 1
State - Region 2
State - All Regions
Dept. of Agriculture
System Type*
All system types (EPA and OVS)
All EPA system types
Transient non-community
Non-transient non-community
Oregon very small
Primary Source
All types
Surface water
Service Area Types
All types
Schools and day care centers
Manufactured housing parks
Residential areas
Compliance Status
Any status
Priority non-compliers (PNC systems)
Systems with unaddressed MCL violations
Outstanding performers

* See list of system classification types for system type definitions.
See list of specific service area types included in these categories.
See explanation of priority non-compliers.

Calculation of System Scores

The system score is based on all unaddressed violations for monitoring periods ending within the last five years; unaddressed violations are those that have not been returned to compliance (RTC'd) and are not under formal enforcement. Violations for monitoring periods ending more than five years ago and those that have been addressed are not counted in the system score. For each water system, a system score is calculated using this formula:

          System Score = Sum (S1, S2, S3, ...) + n

where S represents the points for each unaddressed violation and n represents the number of years that the oldest violation has been unaddressed, from 0 to 5 years.  Water systems with system scores of 11 and higher are considered a higher priority for enforcement.

Visit About System Scores for more information on system scores and how they are calculated, including the point values of specific violations.

Information for all water systems:
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