Violation Description | Points |
Acute MCL for E. coli | 10 |
Acute MCL for Fecal Coliform or E. coli | 10 |
Chemical MCL based on 1 Sample, Nitrate | 10 |
Chemical MCL based on Average of Samples, Nitrate | 10 |
Failure to Install or Use SW Treatment | 10 |
Failure to Maintain 4-log Treatment | 10 |
Failure to Maintain EP Disinfection | 10 |
Failure to Meet CT, Swtr | 10 |
Failure to meet filter performance standard | 10 |
Turbidity Standards Not Met (95% NTU) | 10 |
Turbidity Standards Not Met (Max NTU) | 10 |
Action Level Exceeded | 5 |
Chemical Late/Nonreporting, Nitrate | 5 |
Chemical MCL based on 1 Sample | 5 |
Chemical MCL based on Average of Samples | 5 |
Chemical MCL based on Locational Average of Samples | 5 |
Coliform Investigation Defects Not Corrected | 5 |
Coliform Investigation Nonreporting | 5 |
Corrosion Control Non-Compliance | 5 |
Deficiencies Not Corrected or Plan Not Received | 5 |
Failure to Collect MPA Sample | 5 |
Failure to Correct Source Contamination | 5 |
Failure to Install CC Treatment | 5 |
Failure to Install Disinfection | 5 |
Failure to Meet Enforcement Deadline | 5 |
Failure to Replace Plumbing | 5 |
Failure to Submit CCT Recommendation | 5 |
Failure to Treat for Cryptosporidium | 5 |
Initial SL Inventory Late/Nonreporting | 5 |
Violation Description | Points |
No Designated DRC | 5 |
No Qualified Treatment Plant Operator | 5 |
Prevented Level 2 Investigation | 5 |
Public Education Late/Nonreporting | 5 |
Repeat Coliform - Did Not Report ANY | 5 |
Repeat Coliform - Did Not Report Enough | 5 |
Repeat Coliform - Late/Nonreporting | 5 |
Repeat SL Inventory Late/Nonreporting | 5 |
Total Coliform MCL | 5 |
CCR Certification Late/Nonreporting | 1 |
CCR Late/Nonreporting | 1 |
Chemical Late/Nonreporting | 1 |
Consumer Notification of Results Late/Nonreporting | 1 |
Corrosion Control Late/Nonreporting | 1 |
DBP Late/Nonreporting | 1 |
LCR Late/Nonreporting | 1 |
Monthly GW Compliance Report - Late/Nonreporting | 1 |
Monthly SW Report - Late/Nonreporting | 1 |
Public Notice Late/Nonreporting | 1 |
Raw Source Monitoring Incorrect Sample Date | 1 |
Raw Source Monitoring Late/Nonreporting | 1 |
Routine Coliform - Did Not Report ANY | 1 |
Routine Coliform - Did Not Report Enough | 1 |
Source Assessment Sample - Late/Nonreporting | 1 |
Source Sample - Late/Nonreporting | 1 |
Temporary Routine Coliform - Did Not Report ANY | 1 |
Temporary Routine Coliform - Did Not Report Enough | 1 |
Treatment Requirements Not Met | 1 |
See list of SDWIS codes |