OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Reports
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Assistance Type:  All
Reason:  All
Date Range:  Contact reports from 2025-02-25 through 2025-03-25
Activity Status:  Active systems only

Results:  202 contact reports or advisories found for the selected criteria.
Click on a blue column heading to sort by that field.
Regulating AgencyCounty ServedPWS PWS Name System
Population Primary
Assistance Type Date Details and
Contact Info
HOOD RIVER COUNTYHood River01013 ALDRIDGE DITCH CO WS C 88 GWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 03/25/2025Sent an email to the operator requesting that t...
LANE COUNTYLane91795 VAN DUYN PROP NP 15 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/25/2025Coliform: I left a voicemail for the property o...
REGION 2Curry94489 WHALESHEAD BEACH RESORT, LLC C 108 GU Boil Water 03/25/2025 - OpenLoss of Pressure: Operator reported a total los...
DOUGLAS COUNTYDouglas05971 BIG WOODS WATER DISTRICT NP 24 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/24/2025Coliform: System tested positive for e-coli. Ta...
BENTON COUNTYBenton00174 KNOLL TERRACE PARK C 452 GW Boil Water 03/24/2025 - OpenLoss of Pressure: On 3/24/25 a contractor broke...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas00141 ORIENT DRIVE MOBILE ESTATES C 83 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 03/24/2025Contact at management group reports new onsite ...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas95747 STAFFORD CHRISTIAN CHURCH NC 40 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/24/2025Coliform: Corresponded with the operator regard...
COOS COUNTYCoos94616 WEST COAST GAME PARK NC 115 GW Other Regulatory 03/24/2025delivery of letter re public notice - A letter ...
REGION 2Lake06296 BLM LAKEVIEW AIRBASE NC 40 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/21/2025Coliform: Emailed Russel Griffith on 3/21/25 re...
DOUGLAS COUNTYDouglas94282 BRANDY BAR LANDING NC 50 GW Violation Response 03/21/2025Coliform: Mr. Lockboum called me and stated tha...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia00982 DEER ISLAND VILLAGE MHP C 100 GW Other Regulatory 03/21/2025To confirm the sources of the nitrate samples -...
LANE COUNTYLane01564 LAKESIDE MOBILE HOME PARK (A) C 28 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/21/2025Coliform: I left a voicemail and email message ...
DOUGLAS COUNTYDouglas92127 NARROWS TAVERN NC 35 GW Violation Response 03/21/2025Coliform: The system has not submitted coliform...
TILLAMOOK COUNTYTillamook95478 REEHERS HOMESTEAD INC NP 24 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/21/2025Coliform: The facility has a coliform-positive ...
LANE COUNTYLane94800 REXIUS - COBURG NTNC 28 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/21/2025Nitrate: I contacted Delta Operations regarding...
WASCO COUNTYWasco90269 VIEW POINT TRAILER COURT C 160 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/21/2025Coliform: Spoke with Doug Best regarding the to...
MULTNOMAH COUNTYMultnomah95481 BAILEY NURSERY REEDER RD MAIN NTNC 54 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/20/2025Coliform: Called and left a message with Jon. T...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes91737 ELK LAKE RESORT NC 100 GW Priority Non-Complier 03/20/2025Coliform: System accrued 11 points in January 2...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia01391 INGLIS WATER COOP WATER SYSTEM NP 20 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/20/2025Coliform: Lvm for the operator to return call r...
MULTNOMAH COUNTYMultnomah91943 METRO PARKS - OXBOW NC 822 GW Boil Water 03/20/2025 - OpenLoss of Pressure: System power outage and loss ...
REGION 1Columbia01139 MIDLAND WATER ASSOCIATION C 160 SW Violation Response 03/20/2025Disinfection Byproducts: Ms. Hudson is checking...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson90722 ROGUE VALLEY ADVENTIST SCHOOL NTNC 135 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/20/2025IOCs: I spoke with the operator regarding the f...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREYamhill95718 WILLAMETTE HAZELNUT INC NC 35 GW Other Regulatory 03/20/2025Well construction follow-up - Emilio reached ou...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson94256 ASHLAND VALLEY INN C 59 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/19/2025IOCs: I spoke with the operator regarding the s...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes00861 CIRCLE C IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT C 150 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/19/2025IOCs: Routine sodium 2/2/2025 result of 237. A...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia05114 DEER ISLAND HEIGHTS WS C 60 GW Other Regulatory 03/19/2025Service line inventory - Left a message for Sco...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia01233 DEER ISLAND WATERWORKS C 90 GW Other Regulatory 03/19/2025Service line inventory - Originally emailed ope...
REGION 2Curry94398 ELK RIVER CAMPGROUND C 64 GW Other Regulatory 03/19/2025Service line inventory - Originally emailed ope...
REGION 1Umatilla06335 EURUS COMBINE HILLS NP 12 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/19/2025Nitrate: Received alert for a nitrate result of...
LANE COUNTYLane01409 FINN RANCH WATER DISTRICT NP 15 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/19/2025Coliform: I left a voicemail for the operator ...
MARION COUNTYMarion00776 LGC MEADOWLARK MANOR LLC C 195 GW Water Quality Complaint 03/19/2025Called Bob regarding a complaint received from ...
WASCO COUNTYWasco00510 MAUPIN, CITY OF C 420 GW Other Water Quality 03/19/2025Other: Reservoir Leak - March 13: The operator...
LANE COUNTYLane94773 ODD FELLOWS RV PARK NC 80 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/19/2025Nitrate: Left a message for the operator via ph...
REGION 2Benton00624 PHILOMATH PUBLIC WORKS C 4,670 SW Boil Water 03/19/2025
- 03/24/2025
Loss of Pressure: On March 20th the City and Mi...
LANE COUNTYLane91869 SAND DUNES FRONTIER NC 200 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/19/2025Coliform: Left a voicemail for the operator not...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas95747 STAFFORD CHRISTIAN CHURCH NC 40 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/19/2025Coliform: E-mailed operator the Level 1 colifor...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas01406 SUNSHINE VALLEY WATER SYSTEM NP 23 GW Violation Response 03/19/2025Nitrate, Coliform: Discussed violations and he ...
WASCO COUNTYWasco00912 TYGH VALLEY WATER DISTRICT C 218 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 03/19/2025I have been in contact with Tygh Valley Water D...
LANE COUNTYLane05197 VIKING ACRES WATER DISTRICT NP 15 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/19/2025Nitrate: Left a voicemail for the operator noti...
LANE COUNTYLane91891 WESTLAKE RESORT NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/19/2025Coliform: I spoke with Brandon over the phone a...
REGION 1Malheur93646 WILLOWCREEK STORE & CAFE NC 50 GW Plan Review 03/19/2025Received email confirmation that the nitrate tr...
LANE COUNTYLane90894 APPLEGATE ELEMENTARY 66 NTNC 120 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/18/2025Lead or Copper: Called Bryan regarding the Lead...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson90661 COVERED BRIDGE MHP C 36 GW Other Regulatory 03/18/2025Service line inventory - Emailed and spoke on t...
MARION COUNTYMarion93753 EVERGREEN ELEMENTARY NTNC 90 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/18/2025Nitrate: Although the nitrate levels are above ...
REGION 1Multnomah00657 PORTLAND WATER BUREAU C 666,200 SW Boil Water 03/18/2025
- 03/19/2025
Loss of Pressure: Scott notified DWS that durin...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas00280 CEDARHURST IMPROVEMENT CLUB C 60 GW Other Regulatory 03/17/2025Service line inventory - Phoned and emailed ope...
DEPT OF AGRICULTURELane95641 CLEAWOX MARKET NC 100 GW Priority Non-Complier 03/17/2025Spoke with Mangal via phone. Individual stated ...
REGION 1Hood River00386 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER DISTRICT C 5,973 GW Monitoring 03/17/2025GWR: On 03/14/2025 I received an alert for a to...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas00599 EXCALIBUR VILLAGE C 180 GW Other Regulatory 03/17/2025Operations: Returning Well #2 to permenent stat...
REGION 2Josephine00342 GRANTS PASS, CITY OF C 37,138 SW Other Regulatory 03/17/2025Other: Guidance to report UCMR 5 Results on CCR...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson95226 HIS VALLEY CHURCH NC 70 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/17/2025Coliform: I spoke with the operator regarding a...
LANE COUNTYLane01564 LAKESIDE MOBILE HOME PARK (A) C 28 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/17/2025Coliform: I left a voicemail and sent an email ...
LANE COUNTYLane95509 OAKRIDGE CHAPEL NC 60 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/17/2025Coliform: Spoke with Yanira about the recent Co...
REGION 2Lincoln00603 PANTHER CREEK WD C 800 SW Boil Water 03/17/2025
- 03/22/2025
Loss of Pressure: 3/17/25 water system contacte...
POLK COUNTYPolk00704 RICKREALL WATER ASSOCIATION C 1,650 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/17/2025Nitrate: Contacted Rickreall manager and inform...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill01289 COVE ORCHARD WATER ASSOCIATION C 300 SWP Other Water Quality 03/15/2025Other: 0 water 0 Pressure - The system reporte...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill01289 COVE ORCHARD WATER ASSOCIATION C 300 SWP Boil Water 03/15/2025 - OpenLoss of Pressure: The system reported loss of p...
REGION 2Curry00149 BROOKINGS, CITY OF C 7,120 GW Other Regulatory 03/14/2025Coliform: Updated coliform sampling plan - 03.1...
REGION 2Curry94398 ELK RIVER CAMPGROUND C 64 GW Violation Response 03/14/2025Operations: 03.14.2025 An email was sent to th...
LANE COUNTYLane01409 FINN RANCH WATER DISTRICT NP 15 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/14/2025Coliform: Our office received an email from Ton...
WASCO COUNTYWasco00871 FOLEY LAKES MOBILE HOME PARK C 300 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/14/2025Coliform: I spoke with the operator. This speci...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREMorrow95533 LOVES TRAVEL STOP-BOARDMAN NTNC 999 GW Source Water Protection 03/14/2025GWR: On Wednesday March 12, the alarm on the wa...
MARION COUNTYMarion93755 NORTH MARION SD #15 NTNC 2,100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/14/2025Arsenic: I called David and left a voice messag...
LANE COUNTYLane91112 ODOT HD GETTINGS CREEK REST AREA NC 2,400 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/14/2025Coliform: Phone contact with operator. This was...
REGION 2Curry91019 OPRD LOEB STATE PARK NC 132 GW Monitoring 03/14/2025Coliform: Coliform sampling schedule 03.0...
REGION 2Lincoln00568 BEVERLY BEACH WATER DISTRICT C 152 SW Violation Response 03/13/20253/13/25 - Contacted NW Natural compliance offic...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington05201 COLD SPRINGS WATER CO NTNC 100 GW Other Regulatory 03/13/2025Lead or Copper: LCR Compliance Schedule - Lisa ...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes00828 INDIAN MEADOW WATER COMPANY C 500 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/13/2025Coliform: Routine coliform taken 3/11/25 TC+. ...
REGION 2Lincoln00603 PANTHER CREEK WD C 800 SW Boil Water 03/13/2025
- 03/15/2025
Loss of Pressure: 3/13/25 water system contacte...
REGION 2Lincoln00925 SW LINCOLN CO WATER PUD C 3,000 SW Violation Response 03/13/2025Coliform: 3/13/25 - Contacted SW Lincoln County...
REGION 2Coos05581 WEISS ESTATES WATER SYSTEM C 36 SW Incident Response 03/13/2025Operations: 03.13.2025 Corinne confirmed that ...
MARION COUNTYMarion00151 BETHEL PARK C 125 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025I emailed Phillip regarding the LSL inventory v...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREYamhill93941 BOBS GRAND ISLAND GROCERY AND DELI NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/12/2025Coliform: Visited with Ebony this morning who h...
MARION COUNTYMarion00733 CAROLINA WATER SYSTEM C 300 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025I called Kelli and left a voice message informi...
REGION 2Josephine00971 CAVE JUNCTION, CITY OF C 2,160 SW Plan Review 03/12/2025PR 48-2021 - Rockydale Well Restoration Project...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia00203 COLUMBIA CITY MUN WATERWORKS C 1,995 GW Boil Water 03/12/2025 - OpenLoss of Pressure: Micah Rogers reports that a c...
MARION COUNTYMarion93751 COMMUNITY ACTION HEADSTART NTNC 70 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025I called Tom and reminded him to collect an ann...
LINN COUNTYLinn91667 CRAWFORDSVILLE ELEM SD 55 NTNC 30 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025Lead or Copper: If you are receiving this email...
LINN COUNTYLinn94871 DLF PICKSEED USA NTNC 30 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025Lead or Copper: If you are receiving this email...
LINN COUNTYLinn94865 EASTGATE CENTER NTNC 200 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025Lead or Copper: If you are receiving this email...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREDouglas93492 FAMILY MART 1 NC 200 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 03/12/2025The water system contact was called about sched...
LINN COUNTYLinn93746 HOLLEY ELEMENTARY SD 55 NTNC 150 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025Lead or Copper: If you are receiving this email...
MARION COUNTYMarion94086 LIVELY STATION NC 50 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025I emailed Jessica reminding her the WS has incr...
MARION COUNTYMarion00765 MCLAIN VILLAGE WATER DEPT C 100 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025I emailed David informing him the WS is in viol...
MARION COUNTYMarion00498 MCNARY OAKS MOBILE VILLA C 160 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025I called and spoke with Donna about the LCR and...
REGION 1Tillamook00556 NETARTS WATER DISTRICT C 1,800 SW Water Quality Alert Response 03/12/2025Lead or Copper: The system had 2 LCR excursions...
MARION COUNTYMarion00392 OLDS MOBILE PARK C 60 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025I contacted Grant via email and sent him the fo...
LINN COUNTYLinn91707 PLEASANT VALLEY ELEM SD #55 NTNC 100 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025Lead or Copper: If you are receiving this email...
MARION COUNTYMarion01119 ROYAL ESTATES C 160 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025I emailed Caitlyn and Phillip informing them th...
LINN COUNTYLinn00796 SCIO MOBILE VILLAGE C 40 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025Lead or Copper: If you are receiving this email...
MARION COUNTYMarion00797 SCOTTS MILLS, CITY OF C 421 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025I contacted Phillip via email and sent him the ...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas05485 SUN RAY DRIVE WATER SYSTEM NP 15 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/12/2025Coliform: Spoke w/ system contact today about c...
MARION COUNTYMarion05782 TAYLORS GROVE WATER WORKS C 28 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025I emailed Kamala the following information on 3...
POLK COUNTYPolk90582 WESTERN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL NTNC 540 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025Coliform: Emailed the water operator and inform...
MARION COUNTYMarion01248 YOUTH WITH A MISSION NTNC 100 GW Violation Response 03/12/2025I emailed Phillip the following information on ...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas90174 COLTON COUNTRY PLACE NP 10 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/11/2025Coliform: Emailed the system contact to let her...
WASCO COUNTYWasco00871 FOLEY LAKES MOBILE HOME PARK C 300 GW Boil Water 03/11/2025
- 03/15/2025
Loss of Pressure: The operator contacted NCPHD ...
LINN COUNTYLinn91707 PLEASANT VALLEY ELEM SD #55 NTNC 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/11/2025Coliform: Routine coliform sample came back pre...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas01252 ESTACADA MOBILE VILLAGE C 150 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/10/2025Coliform: Spoke w/ Stephanie on phone and confi...
REGION 2Coos00214 GARDEN VALLEY WATER ASSOCIATION C 84 SW Violation Response 03/10/2025Chlorine: CT not met in February - Tier 2 PN re...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine93502 GRANTS PASS MOOSE LODGE #2454 NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/10/2025Coliform: Left a message for Frank letting him ...
- 03/13/2025
Loss of Pressure: Jessica emailed a copy of the...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson95226 HIS VALLEY CHURCH NC 70 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/10/2025Coliform: I spoke with the operator regarding t...
REGION 2Lake95502 LDS LAKEVIEW CHAPEL NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/10/2025Coliform: Texted Toban Naught, Maintenance Tech...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas05540 NAGAE FARMS NP 18 GW Violation Response 03/10/2025Nitrate, Coliform, Operations: I spoke with an ...
LANE COUNTYLane91859 SEA LION CAVES NC 350 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/10/2025Coliform: I called the operator and notified th...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath01500 SHIELD CREST WATER ASSN C 65 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/10/2025Coliform: I contacted Mr. Morawiec and discusse...
REGION 2Curry05749 SILVER SPRINGS RV PARKS NC 37 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 03/10/2025Other: 2025 Water system survey completed. ...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas95747 STAFFORD CHRISTIAN CHURCH NC 40 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/10/2025Coliform: I called Geoff and confirmed he is do...
- 03/12/2025
Loss of Pressure: The operator is conducting ma...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington93915 DAIRY CREEK TAVERN NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/07/2025Coliform: Sent email to owner/operator regardin...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson00051 JACKSON WELL SPRINGS C 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/07/2025Coliform: I spoke with the operator regarding t...
LANE COUNTYLane95084 JASPER WOOD PRODUCTS NTNC 150 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 03/07/2025Other: Left voicemail for operator reminding th...
REGION 1Tillamook00585 OCEANSIDE WATER DISTRICT C 500 SW Priority Non-Complier 03/07/2025System has experienced elevated TTHM levels, re...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington94691 OREGON HARVESTING CAMP 1 NC 100 GW Violation Response 03/07/2025Sent an email to the water system operator rega...
MARION COUNTYMarion06202 RAINBOW HEIGHTS HOA NP 13 GW Violation Response 03/07/2025Nitrate: Left voice message for Tom asking for ...
LANE COUNTYLane00290 STAFFORDSHIRE WATER SYSTEM C 150 GW Incident Response 03/07/2025Other: Garren emailed Lane County DW that maint...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine91901 ALLENDALE ELEMENTARY SD 7 NTNC 475 GW Other Regulatory 03/06/2025Service Line Inventory - Emailed operator on 2/...
CROOK COUNTYCrook01169 BARNES BUTTE HOA C 148 GW Other Regulatory 03/06/2025Service Line Inventory - Emailed operator on 2/...
REGION 1Clatsop00804 ELDERBERRY NEHALEM WS C 160 GW Enforcement 03/06/2025Operations: JR called to say he’ll take fresh...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill01464 HIDDEN MEADOWS WATER ASSN INC C 110 GW Violation Response 03/06/2025Lead or Copper: Notified Jessica they received ...
REGION 1Marion00389 HUBBARD, CITY OF C 3,478 GW Violation Response 03/06/2025Coliform: System received a violation for not r...
LANE COUNTYLane91845 LANE CO PARKS ORCHARD POINT PK NTNC 255 GW Violation Response 03/06/2025Lead or Copper: Tara with Lane County Parks & R...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill05308 OXBERG WATER SYSTEM #1 C 90 GW Violation Response 03/06/2025Lead or Copper: Notified Jessica they received ...
DOUGLAS COUNTYDouglas00715 PORTER CREEK MOBILE HOME PARK C 35 GW Other Regulatory 03/06/2025Service Line Inventory - Emailed operator on 2/...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine91920 REDWOOD ELEMENTARY SD 7 NTNC 350 GW Other Regulatory 03/06/2025Service Line Inventory - Emailed operator on 2/...
TILLAMOOK COUNTYTillamook95478 REEHERS HOMESTEAD INC NP 24 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/06/2025Coliform: Sent an email to the operator indicat...
REGION 1Marion00731 SALEM PUBLIC WORKS C 199,820 SW Other Water Quality 03/06/2025Operations: Cherry intertie (Keizer) exercise e...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia01495 SWEDETOWN WATER ASSOC C 40 GW Monitoring 03/06/2025Coliform: The operator mentioned that the TC+...
POLK COUNTYPolk90582 WESTERN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL NTNC 540 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/06/2025Coliform: Emailed Daniel Graber informing him t...
HOOD RIVER COUNTYHood River01013 ALDRIDGE DITCH CO WS C 88 GWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 03/05/2025On 3/5/25, we wrote: "...Yesterday, 3/4/25, we ...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes00123 AVION WC - SUN COUNTRY WTR SADDLEBACK C 300 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 03/05/2025Other: November 13, 2024 survey noted a loose c...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath94152 GREEN ACRES IMPROVEMENT DIST NP 24 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/05/2025Coliform: Per supervisor's request, this is jus...
REGION 1Columbia01139 MIDLAND WATER ASSOCIATION C 160 SW Boil Water 03/05/2025
- 03/13/2025
Loss of Pressure: Valve leak. Repaired. Flush...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas05703 MONTECUCCO FARMS NP 20 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/05/2025Coliform: Operator called to update that a UV s...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas00547 MULINO WATER DISTRICT C 700 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 03/05/2025Operations: System DRC called about source samp...
BENTON COUNTYBenton00229 RIDGEWOOD DIST IMPROV CO C 110 GW Boil Water 03/05/2025
- 03/11/2025
E. coli, Confirmed in Distribution: A routine d...
POLK COUNTYPolk90582 WESTERN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL NTNC 540 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/05/2025Coliform: Emailed Daniel to let him know their ...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington06333 BEANSPROUTS NP 10 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/04/2025Coliform: Emailed Jordan to inform them that Be...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath90813 BONANZA BIG SPRINGS PARK/REC NC 30 GW Other Water Quality 03/04/2025Special Sample Narrative - We received notice ...
REGION 2Coos01501 COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES WD C 45 SW Violation Response 03/04/2025VOCs: Jason Wilson with Country Club Estates (0...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson00051 JACKSON WELL SPRINGS C 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/04/2025Coliform: I spoke with the operator regarding t...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson06206 MAPLE LEAF MOTEL NP 15 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/04/2025Arsenic: I emailed the operator regarding the a...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas00141 ORIENT DRIVE MOBILE ESTATES C 83 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 03/04/2025Operations: Cory called to discuss deficiency c...
REGION 2Benton00624 PHILOMATH PUBLIC WORKS C 4,670 SW Boil Water 03/04/2025
- 03/06/2025
Loss of Pressure: The city of Philomath is in t...
BENTON COUNTYBenton00229 RIDGEWOOD DIST IMPROV CO C 110 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/04/2025Coliform: Ann reported a TC+ and E-coli + routi...
REGION 1Clackamas00789 SANDY, CITY OF C 12,991 SW Enforcement 03/04/2025Other: On January 22, 2025, the Land Use Board ...
MARION COUNTYMarion94551 SILVER INN NC 100 GW Other Regulatory 03/04/2025Confirmed Source E. coli follow up - I called J...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson95594 WILLOW WITT RANCH NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/04/2025Coliform: I emailed the operator regarding the ...
HOOD RIVER COUNTYHood River01013 ALDRIDGE DITCH CO WS C 88 GWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 03/03/2025Worked with Bianca regarding GIS mapping of the...
REGION 1Marion93461 BREITENBUSH HOT SPRINGS C 150 SW Violation Response 03/03/2025SWTR: Reached out to Breitenbush Hot Springs on...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath94152 GREEN ACRES IMPROVEMENT DIST NP 24 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/03/2025Coliform: I left a voicemail for Carly regardin...
REGION 1Marion00744 KEIZER, CITY OF C 38,585 GW Violation Response 03/03/2025Radionuclides: DWS reached out to Keizer on the...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas00460 LAKE GROVE WATER DISTRICT C 3,100 SWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 03/03/2025Operations: System manager emailed pictures of ...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas00141 ORIENT DRIVE MOBILE ESTATES C 83 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 03/03/2025Operations: e-mailed operator reminder for dead...
REGION 2Lincoln00603 PANTHER CREEK WD C 800 SW Boil Water 03/03/2025
- 03/07/2025
Loss of Pressure: 3/3/25 water system contacted...
TILLAMOOK COUNTYTillamook95478 REEHERS HOMESTEAD INC NP 24 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/03/2025Coliform: Phone call with Chris regarding timel...
REGION 1Clackamas00789 SANDY, CITY OF C 12,991 SW Other Regulatory 03/03/2025BCA Compliance Schedule Progress - The transmis...
REGION 1Clackamas00789 SANDY, CITY OF C 12,991 SW Other Water Quality 03/03/2025Turbidity Spike in purchased water - Over the w...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath01500 SHIELD CREST WATER ASSN C 65 GW Water Quality Alert Response 03/03/2025Coliform: I contacted Mr. Morawiec and discusse...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREYamhill01308 TRAPPIST ABBEY NC 29 GW Priority Non-Complier 03/03/2025The spring has not benign use for two years, s...
REGION 1Deschutes00091 AVION WC - GREATER AVION C 32,265 GW Incident Response 02/28/2025Public water system Avion WC – Greater Avion ...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath90813 BONANZA BIG SPRINGS PARK/REC NC 30 GW Other Water Quality 02/28/2025Special Sample Narrative Followup - We received...
REGION 1Malheur01144 FISCHERS PLACE MHP C 130 GW Water Quality Alert Response 02/28/2025Arsenic: The water system collected its quarter...
MARION COUNTYMarion01097 LAKEWOOD HOMEOWNERS C 289 GW Plan Review 02/28/2025Curtis contacted me to see what steps (if any) ...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington00217 LAUREL ACRES WATER CO INC C 50 GW Other Water Quality 02/28/2025Removal of 4-log Disinfection - County regulat...
REGION 1Malheur93645 ROME STATION NC 60 GW Water Quality Alert Response 02/28/2025Arsenic: This water system is a transient water...
REGION 1Umatilla90245 TOLLGATE CROSSING NC 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 02/28/2025Coliform: Trevor and I spoke about the latest w...
REGION 1Umatilla05955 UPS-HERMISTON NTNC 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 02/28/2025Coliform: The water system was placed on monthl...
REGION 1Malheur93646 WILLOWCREEK STORE & CAFE NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 02/28/2025Coliform: Received alert for a total coliform p...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas05649 ACHING ACRES MOBILE HOME PARK NP 6 GW Violation Response 02/27/2025Nitrate, Coliform: Discussed testing coliform a...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas90041 CLACKAMAS CO PKS-BARTON PARK NC 300 GW Violation Response 02/27/2025Coliform: System contact emailed that the count...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington05201 COLD SPRINGS WATER CO NTNC 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 02/27/2025Coliform: Emailed Lisa to inform her that Cold ...
MARION COUNTYMarion00962 DUNN COURT DUPLEXES C 88 GW Water Quality Alert Response 02/27/2025Arsenic: I spoke with Grace about the recent ar...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia00690 GOBLE WATER ASSOCIATION C 85 GW Other Regulatory 02/27/20252023 E.coli response - The operator has install...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia05639 ISLAND COMMUNITY LLC NC 45 GW Other Regulatory 02/27/2025Chemical Reporting - Action: Operator to conta...
LANE COUNTYLane95069 JASPER MOUNTAIN CENTER NTNC 65 GW Water Quality Alert Response 02/27/2025Arsenic: I spoke with Curtis regarding the most...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas05891 PERLEY WATER SYSTEM NP 15 GW Water Quality Alert Response 02/27/2025Coliform: The positive coliform From January 8t...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia93722 RAINIER SD #13 NTNC 950 GW Other Regulatory 02/27/2025Chemical Reporting/Change of contact info - Cha...
REGION 1Umatilla06253 THE POWER HOUSE NP 15 GW Water Quality Alert Response 02/27/2025Nitrate: The water system collected its annual ...
LANE COUNTYLane91874 TIMBERLAB LAMINATORS LLC NTNC 50 GW Violation Response 02/27/2025Disinfection Byproducts: Derek called Lane Coun...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas94894 ARBOR SCHOOL NTNC 215 GW Violation Response 02/26/2025SOCs: E-mailed contact to let him know no SOC s...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas90034 CAMP ARRAH WANNA NC 100 GW Violation Response 02/26/2025Nitrate: I called system contact and advised th...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas00280 CEDARHURST IMPROVEMENT CLUB C 60 GW Violation Response 02/26/2025Operations: E-mailed listed contact requesting ...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas95124 CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION NTNC 130 GW Violation Response 02/26/2025E-mailed follow up to listed contact to discuss...
MARION COUNTYMarion00068 DEER CREEK ESTATES C 350 GW Boil Water 02/26/2025
- 02/27/2025
Loss of Pressure: Lee called at 10:30 am to not...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas94841 MT HOOD INN NC 50 GW Violation Response 02/26/2025E-mailed property manager and asked for follow ...
REGION 1Tillamook00609 PACIFIC CITY JOINT WATER - SAN AUTH C 1,000 SW Boil Water 02/26/2025
- 02/27/2025
Loss of Pressure: On 2/26/25, the system issued...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas95196 PDX METRO COMMERCIAL NC 200 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 02/26/2025Operations: I notified contact the violations h...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas90091 SHADADO INC-BENT SHOVEL BREWING PUB NC 50 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 02/26/2025Nitrate: I entered the Nitrate testing deficien...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes06271 SHEPHERDSFIELD NP 20 GW Other Regulatory 02/26/2025Other: OVS review - John Shepherd from Shepherd...
REGION 1Yamhill00811 SHERIDAN, CITY OF C 6,494 SW Other Regulatory 02/26/2025Operations: DRC no longer identified - A new op...
BENTON COUNTYBenton94141 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION OF AMERICA NTNC 53 GW Violation Response 02/26/2025Coliform: I had a virtual meeting with Josh and...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas95485 TRACKERS WATER SYSTEM NC 25 GW Violation Response 02/26/2025Phone call w operator to let him know nitrate a...
POLK COUNTYPolk90582 WESTERN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL NTNC 540 GW Water Quality Alert Response 02/26/2025Coliform: Contacted the water operator and disc...
REGION 1Wasco01246 YOUNG LIFE C 497 SW Water Quality Alert Response 02/26/2025Disinfection Byproducts: Young Life’s Februar...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas00163 CANBY REGENCY C 265 GW Boil Water 02/25/2025
- 03/03/2025
Loss of Pressure: System issued boil advisory d...
LINN COUNTYLinn06207 CROWFOOT BAPTIST CHURCH NC 170 GW Violation Response 02/25/2025Coliform: Spoke with the operator about the new...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia01233 DEER ISLAND WATERWORKS C 90 GW Monitoring 02/25/2025Operations: Called and talked to operator about...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas05703 MONTECUCCO FARMS NP 20 GW Water Quality Alert Response 02/25/2025Coliform: Operator e-mailed me on 2-21 to say t...
REGION 1Marion00544 MOUNT ANGEL, CITY OF C 3,650 GW Monitoring 02/25/2025Lead or Copper: Mount Angel completed the 2, 6 ...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas90076 NWREC/OSU NTNC 40 GW Water Quality Alert Response 02/25/2025Coliform: System repairs made to main line in d...

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