Coliform bacteria are indicator bacteria that are used in testing drinking water. These organisms are found everywhere in nature but when found in drinking water usually means that something has happened to the water system. There are two main types of coliform bacteria - Total and Fecal. Total coliform when found in drinking water can cause intestinal distress and upset in people but rarely anything dangerous. Fecal coliform are associated with sewage or animal wastes and indicate that a serious breakdown in treatment or that contamination has occurred and immediate action is required of the water system to correct the problem.
The highest level of a contaminant that EPA allows in drinking water. MCLs
ensure that drinking water does not pose either a short-term or long-term health
risk. A number of chemicals that are tested for are 'unregulated' and do not
have a maximum level set. Usually shown at mg/l -- milligrams per liter.
Violations tend to fall into three main types -- monitoring violation (failed
to report test results or failed to do the test); exceed the MCL for a contaminant;
or failure to properly treat surface water (treatment technique violation).
All the different violatons are listed below.
The Date of the violation is the first day of the month the violation
occurred in. If the violation is for a quarter then the date is the first day
of the last month of the quarter -- March 1 for the January, February, March
quarter; June 1 for April, May, June quarter; September 1 for July, August,
September quarter, and December 1 for October, November, December quarter.
EnforceCode | Enforcement Name | Description |
SIA | ST VIOLATION/REMINDER NOTICE | Informal written or oral notification to PWS from State that a violation has occurred, explaining what the violation was. It may specify that PN should occur and what actions may occur if the system does not return to compliance. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SIB | ST COMPLIANCE MEETING CONDUCTED | Meeting between State officials and representatives of the PWS to discuss violation(s) and to explain the requirements for compliance. This is an informal meeting as opposed to an enforcement meeting. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SIC | ST TECH ASSISTANCE VISIT | Meeting between State and PWS to discuss the PWS's status, the requirements for M/R and operational problems. The State usually provides assistance of a technical nature to return the PWS to compliance. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SID | ST SITE VISIT (ENFORCEMENT) | Site visit for enforcement purposes. A visit to the PWS to attempt to confirm or discover additional regulatory violations. A site visit can be considered a preliminary step for a formal enforcement action. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SIE | ST PUBLIC NOTIF REQUESTED | Request by the State for a PWS to give public notification that a violation of the regulations has occurred. This request can be oral or written and would generally follow the violation notice. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SIF | ST PUBLIC NOTIF RECEIVED | Public Notification received from PWS. State receipt of public notification issued by the PWS in response to a violation. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SFG | ST PUBLIC NOTIF ISSUED | Public notification issued by the primacy agency. It may be issued in response to violations about which the supplier did not notify the public or where the State feels there is a risk to health. May be issued with a Boil Water Order. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SFH | ST BOIL WATER ORDER | State issued Boil Water Order. Order which notifies the system's customers of a deficiency that could result in an acute risk to health, and that they should boil the water before using it (for drinking, cooking, possibly bodily contact). (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SFJ | ST FORMAL NOV ISSUED | State issued Formal Notice of Violation. A formal notification to a PWS that it is in violation of a drinking water regulation, that it must take some action to rectify its problem and that formal legal action may follow if they don't. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SFN | ST SHOW-CAUSE HEARING | A hearing held to provide opportunity for the violator to present information to the State and the public on its reasons for not complying with the State SDWA. Such hearings often result in compliance agreements or other formal actions. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SFK | ST BCA SIGNED | State Bilateral Compliance Agreement signed. An agreement signed by both the State and the PWS that contains a schedule to return the system to compliance. The agreement should comport with OGWDW guidance on the use of BCAs. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SFL | ST AO (W/O PENALTY) ISSUED | State Administrative Order/Compliance Order issued without penalty. An order issued by the Executive branch of the State government that orders the PWS to come into compliance or to undertake remedial actions. No penalty is assessed. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SFO | ST AO (W/PENALTY) ISSUED | State Administrative Order/Compliance Order issued with Penalty. An order issued by the Executive branch of the State government that orders the PWS to come into compliance or to undertake remedial actions. A penalty is assessed. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SFM | ST ADMIN PENALTY ASSESSED | State Administrative Penalty assessed. A penalty assessed by a non-judicial body in response to a violation of the regulations or failure to take actions ordered by the primacy agency to achieve compliance. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SFP | ST CIVIL CASE UNDER DEVELOPMENT | State Civil Case under development. Technical/legal staff are preparing documents to refer a civil case to the State Attorney General. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SF9 | ST CIVIL CASE REFERRED TO AG | State Civil Case referred to State Attorney General. The sending of the required litigation report and other documents to the State Attorney General for the filing of a civil case in State court. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SFQ | ST CIVIL CASE FILED | State Civil Case filed in State court. The action by the State Attorney General to place the civil case on the docket on the appropriate State court. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SF% | ST CIVIL CASE CONCLUDED | State Civil Case concluded. State civil case resolved through verdict, pleas, injunction, etc. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SFR | ST CONSENT DECREE/JUDGEMENT | State Consent Decree or Consent Judgement. A formal agreement filed in a State court between the PWS and the primacy agency that settles a civil case and that specifies the actions that must be taken by the PWS to achieve compliance. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SFS | ST DEFAULT JUDGEMENT | State Default Judgement. A State court judgment that is rendered, in accordance with State civil procedure, generally as a consequence of the non-appearance of the system owner/operator. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SFT | ST INJUNCTION | State Injunction. A final order issued by the State court that directs the PWS to take certain actions (or forbids the PWS to take certain actions). An injunction usually contains penalties for violations of its terms. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SFU | ST TEMP RESTRAIN ORDER/PRELIM INJUNC | State Temporary Restraining Order/Preliminary Injunction. An immediate, non-final order issued by the State court that forbids the PWS to take certain actions, or orders the PWS to take certain actions. Often used in emergency situations. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SF& | ST CRIM CASE REFERRED TO AG | State Criminal Case referred to the State Attorney General. The sending of required litigation report and other documents to the State Attorney General for the filing of a criminal case in State court. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |
SOX | ST COMPLIANCE ACHIEVED | For M/R violations, SOX indicates that the State has determined that the system is monitoring & reporting properly. For MCL violations, SOX means that the system is now operating below the MCL. Only required for Chem/Rad violations. (FRDS-DED 1/93) |