OHA Drinking Water Services

OHA Drinking Water Services
Water Advisory Details

PWS ID: OR41 00466
Advisory Type: Boil Water
Reason: Loss of Pressure
Area Affected: System-wide
Affected Populations: All
Begin Date: Nov 28, 2023
Date Lifted: Dec 01, 2023
Contacted By: DOWNS, KENT (DWP)
Who Was Contacted: Kevin Gleason
Contact Phone: 805-889-9836
Details: Kevin contacted me via phone to report that the system will shut off the water service to the city later today to repair a leaking 8-inch main valve located on 94283 Floras Creek Rd. Kevin was exercising the valve, and the stem nut broke causing the leak. One of the board members is contacting someone to repair the leak. Repairs are expected to initiate later today. Kevin is currently hand delivering the boil notices to all affected customers. He is also posting the boil advisory at the mail office and the library. The system is expecting to have the leak fixed by tomorrow (11.29.23). At least two water samples will be collected and analyzed for coliform contamination prior to lifting the boil advisory. Kevin was advised to reach out to Coos County Environmental Health Coordinator, Rick Hallmark. Rick may be able to assist with public inquiries and notification to food service facilities and other licensed facilities. No customers with limited English proficiency have been identified, but Kevin was made aware of this and will make accommodations as necessary. Kevin will email me a copy of the boil advisory later today.

Update 11/29/2023:  Kevin reported that Bandon Public Works has begun repairing the leak on the main line. Water was shut off at 12:00 pm today and expected to last 4 hours. They anticipate resolving the problem in the next 48 hours. Door-to-door notification will be completed today. Kevin requested additional assistance to address issues with water turbidity. I contacted Steve Reber with Civil West Engineering to request technical assistance for this system. Erica Van Ess, with OHA FPL program was also contacted. Erica emailed Kevin a link to a fact sheet that would be helpful to print and give to licensed operators along with the boil notice.

Update 11/30/2023:  Kevin reported that the leak has been repaired. Lines are being flushed and coliform samples will be collected later today.

Lifted 12/01/2023:  Kevin reported that the boil will be lifted today. lab results came back absence of bacterial contamination.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3963
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