OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00534
Who Was Contacted: Katelynn Niece
Contact Phone: 503-829-5408
Contact Date: 10/03/2023
Contact Method/Location: Field
Details: Background/Problem Identification:

The water system had a recent Health Advisory Level (HAL) exceedance for PFAS analyte, PFOS. With this exceedance, OHA reached out on behalf of the WS to the circuit rider for assistance.

Assistance Provided:

PFAS sampling conducted as part of UCMR5 showed 6.2FTS at 7.25 ppt at entry point A (EP-A) for a sample collected 1/10/23. While EPA is not currently proposing a drinking water MCL for this PFAS chemical, Molalla is interested in exploring options for addressing the PFAS detection in the event of future regulation. The first phase of the project includes a feasibility study to identify options available for addressing the PFAS and associated costs for each option. Possible additional funding for future design and construction phases if a project is identified and pursued. A cost estimate was prepared with a proposed budget of $19,908 to support the planning and evaluation of alternatives support effort.

Follow-Up Actions Needed:

The circuit rider can assist further as needed.

Technical Reports to be Prepared and Expected Timeframe:


More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3971
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