OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00055
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Gary McLauchlin (503) 325-3524
Contact Date: 06/04/2009
Contacted By: HOFELD, EVAN (REGION 1)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Algae Bloom in Reservoir #3 DETAILS: Gary McLauchlin called to see if they could use an algicide called GreenClean in their finished water reservoir #3. I approved the use as long as it was the GreenCleanPRO, which meets standard NSF 60 for use in potable water. I spoke to him about Cyanobacteria and e-mailed him information on testing and public health implications and advised them to determine what type of algea it was before applying the algicide. I directed him to contact Casey Lyon in the Springfield office, who is more knowledgable about the cyanobacteria. ACTION NEEDED: System to evaluate testing and/or treatment option using GreenCleanPro for algae control. Gary spoke to Casey Lyon the same day and indicated that they may do some testing before applying any algicide.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3873
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