OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01005
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Ed (541) 746-0659
Contact Date: 08/02/2010
Contacted By: LYON, CASEY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Assistance Type: BOIL WATER
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Boil water notice DETAILS: Visited site today with Zack Manning of Lane county to discuss Boil water notice and look at system facilities. A routine coliform sample taken 7/28/10 from distribution system came back ecoli present. Five repeat samples were collected 7/30/10, one of four distribution samples came back total coliform present and the raw water from the well was ecoli present. Apparently a leak was discovered in the chlorine feed line which explains the low chlorine residual levels the past couple months. The chlorine feed line has been replaced. A Boil water notice has been posted. A quick CT calculation using tank volume and booster pump gpm shows that the PWS has the ability to provide 4.0 log inactivation if chlorine residual levels are maintained above 0.6 mg/L. The water system is increasing the chlorine residual levels to be maintained above 0.6 mg/L at all times at the EP until permanent corrective action is decided on by the PWS. ACTION NEEDED: post boil water public notice, maintain chlorine residual levels above 0.6 at all times at EP, decide on a permanent corrective action, most likely compliance monitoring track under the GWR.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3507
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