OHA Drinking Water Services
Arsenic Running Annual Averages

Results shown are only for quarterly or monthly monitoring schedules.
Averages are subject to change as new data is taken into consideration.

Arsenic MCL = 0.010 mg/L. MCL exceedances are indicated with red text.

MP Begin MP End MP Name Location Sample
Arsenic RAA
10/01/2021 12/31/2021 4Q2021 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.009
07/01/2021 09/30/2021 3Q2021 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.009
04/01/2021 06/30/2021 2Q2021 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.008
01/01/2021 03/31/2021 1Q2021 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.008
10/01/2020 12/31/2020 4Q2020 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.006
07/01/2020 09/30/2020 3Q2020 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.005
04/01/2020 06/30/2020 2Q2020 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.005
01/01/2020 03/31/2020 1Q2020 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.005
10/01/2019 10/31/2019 OCT2019 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.008
09/01/2019 09/30/2019 SEP2019 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.010
08/01/2019 08/31/2019 AUG2019 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.009
07/01/2019 07/31/2019 JUL2019 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.008
06/01/2019 06/30/2019 JUN2019 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.011
05/01/2019 05/31/2019 MAY2019 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.010
04/01/2019 04/30/2019 APR2019 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.010
03/01/2019 03/31/2019 MAR2019 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.011
02/01/2019 02/28/2019 FEB2019 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.010
01/01/2019 01/31/2019 JAN2019 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.009
10/01/2018 12/31/2018 4Q2018 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.010
07/01/2018 09/30/2018 3Q2018 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.011
04/01/2018 06/30/2018 2Q2018 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.012
01/01/2018 03/31/2018 1Q2018 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.012
10/01/2017 12/31/2017 4Q2017 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.013
07/01/2017 09/30/2017 3Q2017 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.012
04/01/2017 06/30/2017 2Q2017 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.011
01/01/2017 03/31/2017 1Q2017 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.012
10/01/2016 12/31/2016 4Q2016 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.008
07/01/2016 09/30/2016 3Q2016 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.004
04/01/2016 06/30/2016 2Q2016 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.004
01/01/2016 03/31/2016 1Q2016 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.007
10/01/2015 12/31/2015 4Q2015 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.009
07/01/2015 09/30/2015 3Q2015 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.012
04/01/2015 06/30/2015 2Q2015 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.012
01/01/2015 03/31/2015 1Q2015 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.011
10/01/2014 12/31/2014 4Q2014 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.011
07/01/2014 09/30/2014 3Q2014 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.012
04/01/2014 06/30/2014 2Q2014 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.011
01/01/2014 03/31/2014 1Q2014 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.012
10/01/2013 12/31/2013 4Q2013 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.011
07/01/2013 09/30/2013 3Q2013 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.011
04/01/2013 06/30/2013 2Q2013 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.011
01/01/2013 03/31/2013 1Q2013 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.010
10/01/2012 12/31/2012 4Q2012 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.010
07/01/2012 09/30/2012 3Q2012 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.010
04/01/2012 06/30/2012 2Q2012 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.010
01/01/2012 03/31/2012 1Q2012 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.010
10/01/2011 12/31/2011 4Q2011 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.011
07/01/2011 09/30/2011 3Q2011 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.004
04/01/2011 06/30/2011 2Q2011 EP FOR WELL EP-A ( 0.000

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3484
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Chemical Summary  ::  Chemical Results  ::  Chemical Schedules  ::  Chemical Schedule Summary  ::  Arsenic RAA  ::  Cyanotoxins  ::  PFAS
Lead & Copper  ::  DBP Sample Sites  ::  FANLs  ::  MRDL  ::  GWR 4-Log  ::  Turbidity  ::  SWTR  ::  LRAA
Corrosion Control has moved to the Lead & Copper page.

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