OHA Drinking Water Services

OHA Drinking Water Services
Water Advisory Details

PWS ID: OR41 01140
Advisory Type: Boil Water
Reason: Loss of Pressure
Area Affected: System-wide
Affected Populations: All
Begin Date: Sep 29, 2023
Date Lifted: Nov 14, 2023
Who Was Contacted: Norma Kightlinger
Contact Phone: 541-786-3077
Details: A boil water advisory for Mt Emily Water Association (01140) has been initiated due to the residents suffering a loss of water pressure. This was a result of the association trying to locate a water leak. Regulator received confirmation of pressure loss by the association president. A boil water advisory letter, Tier 1 public notice, and best management practices document were emailed to the association president. Regulator requested the president deliver a copy of the Tier 1 public notice to each house in the subdivision and provide a copy to the regulator’s office.

Update 09/29/2023:  09/29/2023 at 16:30 association president emailed regulator an image of the Tier 1 public notice they distributed to the residents.

Lifted 11/14/2023:  The boil water advisory has been lifted. The water operator was able to provide a good TCR water sample following the loss of water pressure. The water system located the source of the water leak, repaired and replaced damaged equipment, dredged the spring collection box, and replaced the spring collection box shelter.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2364
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