OHA Drinking Water Services

OHA Drinking Water Services
Water Advisory Details

PWS ID: OR41 00911
Advisory Type: Do Not Drink Water
Reason: Nitrate
Area Affected: System-wide
Affected Populations: All
Begin Date: Oct 20, 2023
Date Lifted: Oct 20, 2023
Who Was Contacted: JJ Olson
Contact Phone: 503-554-8333 ext 107
Details: Tooley Water District was placed on a Tier 1 Notice on 8/12/22 for a sample that was 10.2 mg/l, which is above the MCL for Nitrates. They were again above the MCL on 8/19/22 and recorded a result of 11.7 mg/l, leaving the Tier 1 notice in place. The recent sample was 15.9 mg/l on 10/20/2023 and remains on the Tier 1 notice. Infants under 6 months of age should not be served water, juice, and formula prepared with tap water. Bottled water or other water low in nitrates should be used for infants until further notice. UPDATE: Toolay Water District contacted NCPHD. The Nitrate levels at Tooley Water District PWS 41-00911 exceeded 15.9 mg/l and the Well #2 Lower was turned off on October 6, 2023. Hiland Water Company is taking confirmation samples every 2 weeks to monitor and will send an email to NCPHD to lift the "Do Not Drink" advisory once the data is confirmed. Currently, Hiland Water Company is only using Well #1 Upper to serve their customers and will notify NCPHD when they turn on Well #2 Lower to serve their customers

Update 10/20/2023:  Toolay Water District contacted NCPHD. The Nitrate levels at Tooley Water District PWS 41-00911 exceeded 15.9 mg/l and the Well #2 Lower was turned off on October 6, 2023. Hiland Water Company is taking confirmation samples every 2 weeks to monitor and will send an email to NCPHD to lift the "Do Not Drink" advisory once the data is confirmed. Currently, Hiland Water Company is only using Well #1 Upper to serve their customers and will notify NCPHD when they turn on Well #2 Lower to serve their customers

Lifted 10/20/2023:  NCPHD has received an email from Toolay Water District stating Well #2 lower is turned off and not being served to customers.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3468
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