OHA Drinking Water Services

OHA Drinking Water Services
Water Advisory Details

PWS ID: OR41 06085
Advisory Type: Boil Water
Reason: Loss of Pressure
Area Affected: System-wide
Affected Populations: All
Begin Date: Feb 05, 2019
Date Lifted: Mar 29, 2019
Who Was Contacted: Jim Stevenson
Contact Phone: 541-942-5439
Details: Jim Stevenson contacted me regarding the planned repair of the water system mainline. The system has issued a boil water notice to all residents. Currently, the system has completed all of the repairs and is shock chlorinating the system but the water well is not producing very well and it will take 48 hours to get enough water in the storage tank to flush the chlorinated water out of the system. I suggested he could buy water to put in the tank to flush the system and restore water to users. Jim will let me know when they have a clean sample to lift the boil water notice.

Update 02/14/2019:  The system collected a special sample to show the water system was absent for bacteria following a planned loss of pressure for maintenance on the water system. The system experienced another loss of pressure following the snowstorm and power outage in the Willamette Valley.

Update 03/13/2019:  The system is still on a boil water notice and has submitted a routine sample for testing. The system experienced loss of pressure following a power outage from a snowstorm. The system has regained power and shocked the system. The sample was taken on 3/12/19.

Lifted 03/29/2019:  The system collected a coliform sample and it was negative. The well at this system is a lower producer and it takes the system a week to get enough water to flush the system following an issue making advisories longer than normal.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4725
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