OHA Drinking Water Services

OHA Drinking Water Services
Water Advisory Details

PWS ID: OR41 00315
Advisory Type: Boil Water
Reason: Loss of Pressure
Area Affected: System-wide
Affected Populations: All
Begin Date: Apr 02, 2018
Date Lifted: Aug 29, 2018
Contacted By: SALIS, KARI (DWP)
Who Was Contacted: Jim Kolousek
Contact Phone: 503-985-3135
Details: I was contacted by the PH duty officer Saturday around 11am. He had been contacted by Kris Conway at LA Water Co-op with report that he had gotten calls from several customers at Laurelwood Acres and that they have been completely out of water since Monday April 2nd. I contacted Jim Kolousek, the operator at Laurelwood. He said a logging truck had badly damaged their transmission line from their spring, and water is no longer flowing to the tanks, and they have been out of water since the 2nd. He was hoping to purchase and haul water to fill their tanks, but hadn’t confirmed anyone able to do that. On Monday April 9th, Jim said he was able to buy and haul water from the Joint Water Commission (“Fernhill” station). The residents are on a boil water advisory. Since logging operations are continuing, once the road is clear the road and Laurelwood will place HDPE pipe on the ground to connect the springs to their system. Once able, they will bury the pipeline in the same location as the original pipe. I provided a link to our construction standards and BMPs, and told him that Larry Fenster at Washington county is his main contact.

Lifted 08/29/2018:  Larry Fenster said the pipeline has been repaired and the system is off the boil advisory. Not sure of exact date.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3302
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