Facility ID | Facility Name | Source Type | Analyte Group | Analyte Code | Analyte Name | Sample Date |
Result | Analyte Level Type |
Current Analyte Level |
Analyte Level Units |
Detection Limit |
Received Date |
Sample ID | Lab ID | Lab Name | Analysis Method | Method Name | SelectYear | SelectAnalyte | SelectResult | SelectFacilityID | SelectFacilityName | SelectSourceType | SelectLabID | SelectLabName | SelectMethod | SelectMethodName | FilterSampleDate |
A | EP for WELL #1 (SHALLOW) | Treated | NO3 | 1040 | NITRATE | 1/22/2001 | 2.4 | MCL | 10 | MG/L | 0 | 2/2/2001 | 1227 | 50 | Coast Medical Laboratory Inc. | 300 | COLORIMETRIC SPADNS, WITH DISTILLATION | 2001 | NO3-1040 | D | A | EP for WELL #1 (SHALLOW) | Treated | 50 | Coast Medical Laboratory Inc. | 300 | COLORIMETRIC SPADNS, WITH DISTILLATION | 2001-01-22 |