OHA Drinking Water Services
Archived Chemical Results
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Pre-2002 data
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How to use this data table
- Filter: Use the Select Analytes panel below to filter for specific analytes or groups. Note that only analytes for which there are data are listed. Use the dropdown menus in column headers and the Sample Dates box to filter results. Use the Search box to search across all columns. For example, you can enter a specific sample ID, analyte, or any other search criteria into the Search box.
- Sort: Click column headings to sort ascending or descending. Sort by multiple columns by holding the Shift key while clicking on additional column headings. The arrow in the column heading will show in blue if the results are currently being sorted by that column.
- Columns: Use the Columns button to select which columns to display in the table, including additional columns not shown in the default display. Drag column headings to rearrange their order.
- Download: Use the Download button to export data to an Excel or CSV file. Only filtered results will be downloaded.
- Reset: Click the Reset button to restore default settings.
- Analyte Groups:
- Analyte Levels: MCL = Maximum contaminant level, ACL = Action level. Analyte level exceedances are indicated with bold red text.
- ND = Not detected at or above the detection level.
Select Analytes
Analyte Group |
Analyte Code |
Analyte Name Use the "Select Analytes" panel above to filter. |
Sample Date |
Analyte Level Type |
Current Analyte Level |
Analyte Level Units |
Detection Limit |
Received Date |
Sample ID |
SelectYear |
SelectAnalyte |
SelectResult |
SelectFacilityID |
SelectFacilityName |
SelectSourceType |
SelectLabID |
SelectLabName |
SelectMethod |
SelectMethodName |
FilterSampleDate |
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