OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01423
Who Was Contacted: Jeff Ingebrigtsen
Contact Phone: 503-250-3349
Contact Date: 02/08/2022
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - Follow-up confirmation for future reference
Reasons: Operations
Details: I spoke to Jeff for clarification on a couple details regarding the August 2021 hose leak/repair situation, for future reference.
Jeff clarified that the attached hose which had a break in it from rubbing against an adjacent chain (both within the river) was just a garden hose, and not a potable water hose to the floating home for drinking. As stated in an earlier contact report, Jeff also claimed there was positive pressure the entire time, even during the repair of the hose. A one-foot section of the hose where the puncture occurred was cut out and resealed by Jeff, who put a connector on it and two new hose clamps. A boil water notice was not issued for this system at the time due to positive pressure and no known pressure loss, as well as no damage to the water system itself, just one resident's garden hose that was hooked up to the system.
Given that after the August hose repair, there were no further complaints regarding water pressure or illness from residents, and also that all water samples since that moment have came back negative for total coliform, I consider this issue resolved at this time.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3647
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