OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94882
Who Was Contacted: Hans Feige
Contact Phone: 503-543-9700
Contact Date: 02/15/2022
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Assistance Type: OTHER WATER QUALITY - Follow-up: water treatment options
Reasons: Chlorine
Details: I spoke with Hans about the current plans for Olympic Forest Products' water system to update their treatment components. Originally, Hans and their engineer discussed the possibility of switching to a Surface Water source, however, at this time they have decided not to add a Surface water source to this water system. Even though the cost would be generally about equal to incorporate a surface source as it would to implement treatment to their groundwater source, it was discussed that introducing a new Surface source would have uncertainties about the water quality. Therefore they have decided to continue with their existing Groundwater source.
Hans mentioned about the water system's existing high iron content issues, and coming up with the engineering of iron treatment to be added, filters would diminish some of the pressure, so a pressure tank may have to be added. They are trying to work through those matters and determine a suitable treatment solution for the system.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2000
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