OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05864
Who Was Contacted: Roberto Ortega/Moises Ortega
Contact Phone: 541-780-5439 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 03/10/2022
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Survey: 11/09/2021
Details: I contacted the system and advised them that the corrective action due date for the significant deficiencies noted during the water system survey conducted on 11/09/2021 is 03/24/2022. I was told that all of the deficiencies had been corrected other than the one for no plan review submission to OHA DWS for the well installed in 2008. The system said they will email me written verification of the corrective actions completed including the dates they were corrected today and a corrective action plan for the plan review process to include paying the plan review fee to OHA DWS on 03/11/2022.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2165
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