OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 90595
Who Was Contacted: Bill Wilkinson
Contact Phone: 503-392-3194
Contact Date: 02/10/2022
Contact Method/Location: Field
Details: Background/Problem Identification:
The Nestucca Valley Elementary School water system was recently tested for lead and copper content and exceeded both the lead and copper action levels (AL) of 0.015, and 1.300 mg/L respectively. The results were first received by the state on October 5th, 2021. Jaime Craig of Tillamook County notified the water system via telephone to expect an official notice from the State Drinking Water Program in relation to the AL exceedance. One of the requirements of this notice was that the water system needed to receive recommendations for an optimal corrosion control treatment system.

Assistance Provided:
The circuit rider assisted by measuring pH and temperature (at the time of sampling) for two rounds of water quality parameters, the first on 01/18/22 and a second round on 02/01/22. Please see the attached lab reports. Based on the EPA OCCT ( https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2016-03/documents/occtmarch2016.pdf ), and the source water quality parameters (see the table below),
Dist. EP 01/18/21 Kitchen Sink 01/18/21 Dist. EP 02/01/22 Kitchen Sink 02/01/22 AVERAGE
Sp. Conductance 1061 1036 1060 1052 1052
~TDS 707 691 707 701 702
Alkalinity - ppm 76 74 78 74 76
Calcium - ppm 19.1 19.4 22.6 19.7 20
pH 6.7 6.8 7.2 7.4 7.03
Temperature - oC 12.7 16.6 11 14.3 13.7
DIC (Appx. B est.) 25 24 21 19 22
Target saturation pH = 8.2

Per the EPA’s OCCT, we recommend adding a soda ash or caustic soda mixture to increase the pH in 0.5 pH increments until the lead and copper levels are consistently testing lower than the AL. A proportional injection system (Stenner or LMI peristaltic style pump) should be employed to inject the mixture into the downstream side of the pressure tanks. The dosing pump will either need to be on a dedicated circuit with the distribution pressure pumps, or it could incorporate a flow-paced injection system similar to the Stenner Econ FP Series pump/meter system.

We recommend injection of the corrosion control

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 718
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