OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01172
Who Was Contacted: Robert Trotter, Hiland Water
Contact Phone: 503-554-8333
Contact Date: 06/13/2022
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: Coliform
Details: On 6/13/2022, Robert Trotter called me to notify me that their source water assessment sample at the well for Western Hills MH Estates tested positive for e. coli. He did mention that the distribution sample collected tested negative for both total coliform and e. coli.
Since only the source sample (pre-treatment) tested positive, and no distribution samples did, Western Hills are required to collect 5 Confirmation samples at the source/well within 24 hours.
Robert said he plans to shock the well, and flush the line. This, Robert says, will be done with the source temporarily being isolated from distribution by preventing the booster pumps from flowing water through the system's treatment to distribution, and then pumping that shock-chlorinated well water to waste. Then he plans to take the 5 confirmation samples. If any of those 5 confirmation source samples come back positive, then the system will be on a boil water notice.
Associated Alerts: ALERT IS NOT IN SDWIS YET

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3566
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