OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00798
Who Was Contacted: Adam Delinger
Contact Phone: 541-563-3529 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 11/03/2022
Contacted By: BLEEKMAN, AMY (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Email
Assistance Type: OTHER WATER QUALITY - in-line conductivity probe failure
Details: Adam emailed me the following: 'We recently discovered that the instrument (in-line conductivity probe) at the Beaver Creek Intake which measures/records salinity (TDS/conductivity) in the raw-water malfunctioned and was out of calibration. However, we learned this after the system had brought in a slug of salinity at levels thought to be acceptable at the time.

The intake was designed to operate at conductivity levels of 500 uS/cm, but not more than 600. Last Thursday just before reaching 500 uS/cm during a high tide and 15ft sea swale event, operators shut down the system. However, on Tuesday of this week the district began receiving water quality complaints from customers complaining that the water has a chlorine and salty taste. After evaluating/troubleshooting the conductivity probe, it was discovered that the probe is out of calibration and malfunctioning. District operators and engineers are working with HACH technicians to correct this issue and install a secondary conductivity probe to prevent future occurrences. District operations staff switched to our secondary sources of water and have been effectively flushing a concentrated area of the distribution system most affected by this condition. The district will continue to run on a secondary source until instrumentation can be calibrated correctly.'

Adam has informed customers and will continue to update them as he learns more about the situation.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4072
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