OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05587
Who Was Contacted: Kurt Williams
Contact Phone: 503-218-4514
Contact Date: 11/14/2018
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: I contacted Ever Fresh Fruit Company regarding two recently applied violations. The first was for not submitting/reporting lead and copper (LCR) results in the assigned time window. The second was for not submitting total coliform/E. coli (TC/EC) results for the third quarter. Kurt Williams and I reviewed the sampling schedule and previous results together.

We noted that the system reported 4 LCR results within the assigned window, but was required to submit 5. All 4 samples for both Lead and Copper were Non-Detect results. Kurt will double check with the sample taker and the lab to see if the 5th sample was taken, whether it was processed and why it was not received by the Drinking Water Services (DWS).

Regarding the TC/EC results, Kurt stated that the system takes TC/EC tests monthly for industry certifications, but only reports them to DWS quarterly. The system has only reported one positive sample in the last decade. (TC+ 6/15) We also noted that the system has reported many assessment (AS) type sample results. Typically AS samples are not reported to DWS.

It appears that there may exist clerical errors on sample submission forms causing results to reported when they should not and not reported when they should.

Kurt intends to review recent sample submission forms. He will then have a discussion with the system's sampler and the lab. Kurt will notify me via email if "missed" tests are located.
Associated Violations: Viol #, - : -

Viol #, - : -

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2155
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