OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05082
Who Was Contacted: Richard Jarvinen
Contact Phone: 541-537-0325
Contact Date: 07/19/2022
Contact Method/Location: Field
Details: Background/Problem Identification:

The circuit rider was contacted by Daniel Hough of OHA and was requested to assist the Lone Rock Court water system with assisting in providing guidance in upgrading the surface source to include a treatment system that is compliant with OHA’s new OVS classification.

Assistance Provided:

The circuit rider visited the water system on 08/05/22 to assess the surface water source and the existing treatment. The surface water source is a screened intake on the Umpqua River. Water is pumped to a treatment building where it is filtered with two small residential (10” cartridge) pleated filters. After filtration, the water is chlorinated and stored in a small polyethylene tank in the treatment building. The water is then pumped from the storage tank into distribution/pressure tanks.

Due to the turbid (flashy) nature of the Umpqua, we recommend the water system install a UV system to comply with the new OVS classification regulations. The UV system shall meet NSF Standard 55, and be Class A. The Viqua Pro30 UVMax system would satisfy the OVS treatment requirement. We recommend a 30 gpm unit be installed with a flow restrictor to limit the flow to <30 gpm.

Residual maintenance disinfection can be achieved using the same chlorination equipment that the system is currently using for disinfection.

The water system may consider upgrading their small cartridge filters to a backwash-able media filter to allow the system to make water during times of elevated turbidity. This option would not be required with the UV system and chlorination in place, but would significantly increase the quality of the water.

Follow-Up Actions Needed:

The circuit rider is available to assist further if needed.

Technical Reports to be Prepared and Expected Timeframe:


More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2025
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