OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00018
Who Was Contacted: Montie Torgeson
Contact Phone: 541-760-1791
Contact Date: 09/04/2018
Contact Method/Location: Field
Details: Alyson Reynolds contacted Civil West and requested circuit rider assistance. The water system has a history of copper issues and on/off dosing of soda ash for corrosion control. Elevated copper levels are again occurring in the distribution system. The system has dosed soda ash in the past, but the operator believed it was not effective and is not dosing soda ash at this time.

Dan Vaage went out to Scravel Hill on 08/01/18 at 9:00am to meet with Montie Torgeson at the well location. Montie indicated that the well pumps both were about 125 gpm in capacity.
The soda ash system (two 55g drums/mixers and 0.87 gph dosing pump) was in place, but not connected. It is recommended that the soda ash system be reconnected, and water tested to determine if the soda ash system can make the well water less corrosive.

To establish a baseline, Dan tested the water at the reservoir/pumphouse on 08/06/18 at 1:45pm.
• Temperature = 64o F
• pH = 7.1
• TDS = 27ppm
• Alk = 40ppm
• Ca Hardness = 40ppm

Water testing should be performed after the soda ash system is brought back online.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3213
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