OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94882
Who Was Contacted: Paul Stull
Contact Phone: (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 01/30/2023
Contact Method/Location: Email
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - Water System Construction/Commissioning update
Reasons: Operations
Details: Paul Stull from AKS Engineering & Foresting sent us an update on the progress of Olympic Forest Products' water system construction after their fire situation from last year.

1) Treatment system: new chlorination and hard water treatment system was installed and went through initial commissioning last Friday and Monday 1/30. Greensand conditioning is predicted to be completed soon with vessel backwashing, and the other 3 system vessels were backwashed per manufacturer's requirements and are ready for water treatment.
2) New chlorination system: the new chlorine tank and pump were integrated and are connected to well pump operation. Commissioning activities are working to confirm appropriate residual chlorine levels in the treated water.
3) Construction approval conditions:
a. Sample taps have been installed in multiple locations in the new water system, including locations before and after chlorination/treatment.
b. Low Chlorine level indicator and alarm are being incorporated into the new chlorine tank.
c. Chlorine Backflow Preventor - chlorine injection system has been installed to prevent backflow conditions via the pump, which includes one-way valves to prevent backflow.
d. Chlorine Residual Test Kit - the mill is in process of procuring an EPA approved chlorine residual test device. In the interim, client's consultant has been using an approved test kit
e. Chemical Approved - the chemicals (chlorine injection) and greensand media are confirmed at NSF-60 certified materials.
f. Parts NSF 61 - All new components have been visually inspected and appear to be NSF 61 compliant based on information provided.

Paul says they will follow up with system as-builts and confirmations on completion of work. The system is nearly complete and ready for fully treatment tests.
The email was to provide OHA and with confirmation that the system is nearing completion and will be ready for full testing very soon.

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