OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00911
Who Was Contacted: John Amery
Contact Phone: 541-340-0032
Contact Date: 02/24/2023
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - Bilateral Compliance Agreement Follow Up
Reasons: Nitrate
Details: Called and spoke with John Amery who is the Treasurer for Tooley Water District and is on the Board for the HOA. The call was made to follow up with an email that was originally sent on 2/6/23 and again on 2/21/23. The email was in regards to Tooley Water Districts plan moving forward on correcting the high Nitrate issue at Well#2 and providing DWS with a timeline for those corrections. John explained to me that he did receive the email and has been exceptionally busy. He also explained that the cost to their customers is high and they would like to pursue an engineering study, therefore providing a timeline to DWS has been challenging. I told John that replying to the email with that explanation will at least get DWS in the loop and provide them with information to Tooley's process. John said he would reply to the email today 2/24/23.
Associated Alerts: NO3-32 - 02/21/2023 - NITRATE   See also: 02/21/2023

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