OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01434
Who Was Contacted: Steve Summers
Contact Phone: 503-362-5620
Contact Date: 07/30/2018
Contact Method/Location: Field
Details: 7/12/18 – We met with Steve Summers onsite, who provided design drawings and gave a tour of the system. Steve explained the water quality issues they are having with their system – positive E. Coli and chronic TC problems. Based on discussions with Greg DeBlase from Marion County, the water coming out of the well heads does not show signs of E. Coli or TC, so therefore, the source of the E. Coli and TC must occur somewhere between the wells and the distribution system. Steve indicated that he had a contractor on-site to look at the system. The contractor advised Steve to place a chlorine injection system following the tank and prior to distribution.

We advise Steve and Fox Hollow Estates Water Corp to take the following actions to decrease the likelihood of exposure to E. Coli and TC in their water system:
1. Install a hypo-chlorination unit PRIOR to the water storage tanks. This will provide the necessary contact time prior to distribution to ensure adequate disinfection. The disinfection system will need a chlorine supply in the form of a 55-gallon drum, so a small building (a small Tuff Shed would suffice) and concrete pad will need to be installed on the inlet side of the tanks. The chlorine injection system will need to be tied into the pump control line in the existing 2-inch PVC electrical conduit shown on the as-builts so that the injection pump turns on when the well pumps turn on.
2. Re-plump the tank piping to run in series. Running the tank pipes in series will increase chlorine contact time.
The probable costs of improvements, including re-plumbing storage tanks in parallel & installation of chlorine injection system, =$25,000, $15,000=hypo-chlorination unit &shed and $10,000=contractor re-plumb tank piping from parallel to series. Costs can be substantially less if Water Corp does some of work rather than contractor.
Coliform monitoring after completion of installation.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 97
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