OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01402
Who Was Contacted: nate stevens
Contact Phone: (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 03/31/2023
Contact Method/Location: Email
Survey: 12/22/2022
Details: Nathan Stevens sent the email below regarding status of deficiency follow ups. The "date cue for correction" have been extended to reflect what's in the email:

Here is what I have for you to wrap up the [deficiency] list.
Item 1:
Attached is a draft of our written operations and maintenance manual. It has been added to this month's agenda because I realized too late that the treasurer will have a lot to add to this. We will meet about it on the 14th and work on it between Joyce and I over the month and complete by May 9th.
Item 2:
CCR has been completed, see attachment. I will mail them by Friday the 7th of April.
Item 3:
Lead/Copper sampling, along with DPB sampling has been added to our database software calendar and to the draft ops/maint manual.
Item 4:
yearly ASR is completed and has been added to a yearly reminder.
Item 5:
I am scheduled for the online OAWU training on the 14th of April.

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