OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05384
Who Was Contacted: Scott Marrs
Contact Phone: 503-508-4688
Contact Date: 05/01/2023
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Survey: 09/23/2022
Reasons: Other
Details: Called Scott to see if they had made corrective actions to the significant deficiencies found during the 9/23/22 drinking water survey. Scott, Don and David have all been working on the operations and maintenance manual and are almost finished with it. I postponed the due date to 6/1/23. They were unsure if they should wait on making corrective actions to the storage hatch and roof because they were approved for funding and that funding would include installing a new roof on the storage reservoir. I encouraged them to make corrective actions to the storage reservoir and hatch to protect the water system, as it is considered a priority deficiency. They have until 5/12/23 to send me their corrective actions. Scott took the certified operators course and will be taking the test next week. That due date was extended to 6/1/23. Since they are unaware of any backflow devices in the system, I encouraged them to contact Civil West Engineering for free circuit rider assistance and to have them look at the water system for any vulnerabilities that may require backflow devices and to offer advice for raw water sample tap locations. In the meantime, they are still required to submit an annual summary report by 7/1/23 even if there aren't any documented backflow devices in the system.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 336
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