OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00723
Who Was Contacted: Ron Jensen
Contact Phone: 541-739-2460
Contact Date: 03/16/2023
Contact Method/Location: Field
Details: Background/Problem Identification:

Ron Jensen of Rufus Public Works reached out to the circuit rider to request further assistance in troubleshooting an under-performing well.

Assistance Provided:

The circuit rider spoke again at length with Ron Jensen about the under-performing well (SHER50113/L45724) and the ongoing issues they have had with this well over the past 22 years. The well was drilled in 2001 and has since diminished in output from ~200 gpm to the present 42 gpm. The well has been periodically air-bursted to some appreciable effect. Our recommendation on the first circuit rider support effort in 2022 was that given the poor performance of the air-burst method, that potentially chemical or co2 methods may yield a better, more long-term result. Ron was put in contact with a third-party geotechnical engineer that specializes in well assessments and rehabilitation methods. The circuit rider visited Rufus on May 11th 2023 to see the well and discuss the issue further with Ron and PW staff. The same issue with the well persists, and Ron was asked if they had reached out to the geotech recommended back in 2022. Ron had said that they did speak, and that Rufus had not heard back from the geotech in some time. The circuit rider reached back out to the geotech and was told that they had prepared an RFP for work on the well but had never heard back from Ron and assumed that Rufus PW was not interested in their services. The circuit rider reached back out to and encouraged the geotech to contact Ron and Rufus PW to confirm if they want to pursue the work outlined in the RFP.

Follow-Up Actions Needed:

The circuit rider can assist further as needed.

Technical Reports to be Prepared and Expected Timeframe:


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