OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 93512
Who Was Contacted: Jared Leard
Contact Phone: 541-621-8478 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 10/26/2023
Contacted By: DOWNS, KENT (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Email
Survey: 11/10/2022
Reasons: Operations
Details: Survey deficiencies- updates

10.26.2023-Tracer study update
Tracer study completed by circuit rider. T10=152 min.

10.04.2023-Tracer study update
Steve submitted the tracer study methodology. Approved on 10.04.2023. Steve and Jared are coordinating the date. The tracer study is expected to be completed by the end of October 2023.

09.12.2023-Tracer study update
Steve reported that he visited Hellgate River Lodge on 09.07.2023. information for the tracer study methodology was gathered. Jared is working on collecting additional information that will be used to substantiate some key assumptions. Steve requested a time extension to complete the tracer study. Jared and Steve have both committed to complete the tracer study by 12/31/2023.
Next steps: Jared will collect the additional information needed for drafting the methodology. Data Online survey deficiency summary page will be updated to show the time extension for this deficiency.

08.09.2023-Jared informed me that Dave Funderburk was at the water treatment facility back in June to clean out the membrane filter and to calibrate the turbidimeter. Regarding the chlorine tracer study, Jared reported that he has sent all of the requested information to Joseph Little with Civil West Engineering for the methodology, but he has not heard back yet.

I reached out to Marlin Gochnour to get an update. Marlin reported that Joseph had been covering multiply projects and was unable to respond in a reasonable time. To address the issue, Marlin is pulling in Steve, one of Civil West support team members that is dedicated to supporting the Circuit Rider exclusively. Steve will be completing this support effort. Steve will be collecting data from Civil West internal team then he will be reaching out to get this support moving forward.

Next step: Jared will provide a calibration log showing the date when the turbidimeter was last calibrated. Steve will provide a methodology for the Contact time tracer study.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1349
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