OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00725
Who Was Contacted: Robert Trotter
Contact Phone: 971-832-9148
Contact Date: 10/31/2023
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - Violations discussion + water system matters
Reasons: Arsenic
Details: I called back Robert Trotter regarding questions he had about some recent violation notices at McNulty Water PUD. The system was sent a violation that they had missed their 3rd quarter Arsenic sample at Entry Point D; Robert sent DWS and I their system's Arsenic sample from August 30.
McNulty Water PUD is still required to collect samples for VOCs at EP-C and EP-D, and Radiological chemicals at EP-A and EP-C at the time of the call.
We also discussed the water system's current status pertaining to the Arsenic Treatment system and the ASR source. Robert said that the Treatment system is still offline as it shows to be unreliable, and the risk of it actually dumping excess filtered arsenic back into the system, so it was disconnected.
The ASR - Aquifer Storage and Recovery zone was online this Summer into August, but that water blends with the other active wells in their Reservoir before going to any distribution, so there is no direct connection from that source to a home or building on the water system. The entry point to distribution, according to Robert, is after the ASR water is blended/diluted with the other wells' water in the Reservoir.
Robert added that the system plans to work with the manufacturer of the Treatment system to hopefully resolve these matters before bringing the ASR back online, which may be around Spring 2024.
Associated Violations: Viol #902552890, 07/01/2023 - 09/30/2023: ARS - Chemical Late/Nonreporting

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3402
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