OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00982
Who Was Contacted: Donna Holdridge
Contact Phone: 971-757-0617
Contact Date: 09/18/2023
Contact Method/Location: Field
Survey: 08/23/2023
Reasons: Operations
Details: After the August water system field survey was completed, and an updated Operation & Maintenance Manual was forwarded to CCPH, I had discovered that there was a steel Reservoir tank either on or adjacent to this water system. We did not look at this tank during the survey, and I was unaware of its existence at the time, but it was mentioned with a photograph in Deer Island Village MHP's O & M Manual.
On September 18, 2023, I joined Donna back out at the system to look at this steel tank. The tank is 500 gallons and stored in a building behind the office. It also had an installation date marked on its surface, dating back to 1965.
The pipe with the blue valve/wheel is believed to be the inlet into the tank; the pipe with the red valve/wheel is believed to be the outlet; the black valve/wheel is believed to be the shutoff.
Donna said they largely leave this steel tank alone, and it is not certain if the tank is currently connected to the system at this time.
Donna mentioned that Crow Water covers operations for this system as well. I spoke with a representative from Crow Water after this site visit (exact date not known) but the representative says he does not believe this steel tank is currently online, and says it is largely a Pressure tank. He added that if they have not been adding air to the tank, which Donna says they have not, it's unlikely that it is supplying water to the park. The Crow Water representative added that they can verify if this tank is connected or not, and then if needed, disconnect the 1965 steel tank from the water system's distribution, but Deer Island Village MHP will have to hire them to do that.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3491
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