OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95360
Who Was Contacted: Steve Soesbe
Contact Phone: 541-597-8530
Contact Date: 09/29/2023
Contact Method/Location: Field
Background/Problem Identification:

Steve Soesbe of Siskiyou Field Institute contacted the Circuit Rider (CR) to request assistance with eval performance of turbidimeter & possibly need to replace. David Funderburk of Quality Water Systems installed a new system approximately 10 years ago & advised the WS to replace the turbidimeter. equip in question is Hach 1720E Low Range Turbidimeter with a Hach SC100 Controller.

Assistance Provided:

The CR reviewed most recent water system survey report from 8/2022 & found no deficiencies to turbidimeter performance. The CR reviewed the system’s water treatment manual, which includes operating procedures and equipment specifications/user guides, and recommended the manual be revised to add quarterly turbidimeter calibration to the maintenance task list. The circuit rider spoke with Funderburk and learned that his recommendation to replace turbidimeter & controller was based on equip outdated & inability to obtain spare parts.

The CR made a site visit on September 22nd to look at the water system and discuss operations with Steve Soesbe. Steve shared that they are pleased with the system overall. Quarterly turbidimeter calibrations are current and performed by on-site staff using a procedure provided by Funderburk. There was a recent incident that resulted in the turbidimeter producing erratic readings for a brief period, but Funderburk was called out and he resolved the issues. There have been no issues since.

Following the site visit, the CR contacted Hach & confirmed the 1720E is near obsolete The SC100 is closely behind the 1720E & will be obsolete within the next few years. In the opinion of CR options explored to replace the turbidimeter& controller given the importance of data provided by these system components.

Follow-Up Actions Needed:

The circuit rider is available to assist further as needed.

Technical Reports to be Prepared and Expected Timeframe:


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