OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 90869
Who Was Contacted: WALT SCHERBARTH
Contact Phone: (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 12/22/2023
Contacted By: DOWNS, KENT (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Email
Reasons: Coliform
Details: TCR-1614 and 1643

12.29.2023 - I contacted Aaron via phone. Based on his description of the sampling procedure he followed, it is possible that the TC positive detected in the source samples may have been due to cross contamination. Aaron stated that he collected the samples while it was raining, and the tap was fully open and splashing around the bottles. Next steps: The system was advised to reduce water flow to a gentle stream when sampling and hold the container well below the faucet rim. I also recommended disinfecting with alcohol and flaming the brass faucet prior to sampling.

12.22.2023 - I contacted Walt via email to inquire about the resent TC positive in the source. I informed Walt that no follow up sampling is required at this time. I recommended reviewing their sampling protocol and check the wellhead to ensure there are not deficiencies.
Associated Alerts: TCR-1643 - 12/29/2023 - COLIFORM (TCR)

TCR-1614 - 12/22/2023 - COLIFORM (TCR)

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