OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01172
Who Was Contacted: Jessica P, Robert Trotter
Contact Phone: 503-554-8333 ext 107 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 01/17/2024
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: Operations
Details: On 1/16/24, in the late afternoon, Jessica with Hiland Water emailed me stating that an alarm had went off at Western Hills Mobile Home Park and it was determined that the Reservoir was not supplying water to the system properly. Jessica added that Robert Trotter went out to investigate it. Jessica also added that the field tech was out there working on the system, and confirming that the Reservoir was gaining at the time of the email. She also mentioned that the Management company has already notified the customers of this, and Boil Water Notices had been posted for the residents at the park.
The morning of 1/17/24, I called Jessica as well as Robert, leaving messages to discuss the situation regarding specifics about the Reservoir's functioning/connectivity and also the public notice that was posted/distributed.
It should also be noted that the last few days in Columbia County, we have had inclement weather, including significant snow and ice; County offices are closed today, as well as yesterday.
Update 1/17/24: Robert Trotter called me back and said that there were too many water leaks in distribution so him and his teammate(s) are going back out there to Western Hills MH Estates today to hopefully determine where the leaks are and to resolve these issues.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3566
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