OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00037
Who Was Contacted: Rich Palmer
Contact Phone: 541-990-3785 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 02/13/2024
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: Operations
Details: Left a voicemail for the operator.

Sent an email with the following information:
"checking in to see how things are going with the following violations for your water system:
• 900653406 Chemical Late/Nonreporting – 1 VOC Tetrachloroethylene
o Your system is on a yearly sampling plan for tetrachloroethylene. Please test a sample and submit it to me and drinking water systems.
• 900653405 CCR Certification Late/Nonreporting – 1
o The consumer confidence report was not certified. I have attached an email from Chuck Michaels at OHA detailing what is required."

EDIT: I am the new point of contact for the Linn Co environmental health drinking water program. I apologize for responding so late; I’ve been catching up with loose ends during the transition from the last person who had my position.

The violation 900653405 CCR Certification Late/Non-Reporting is for the certification of the Consumer Confidence report for the 2022 calendar year. I see that the consumer confidence report was received on 6/30/2023 and the certification occurred on 2/19/2024. I will go ahead and reach out to OHA to get the violation removed.

However, there is a newer violation that needs to be addressed, 900653406 Chemical Late/Nonreporting Tetrachloroethylene. Please have a sample tested tetrachloroethylene, so the violation can be returned to compliance.

Contents of your previous email:
“I received a notice in the mail today that our water system received a violation (Violation # 900653405 / "CCR Certification Late/Non-Reporting"). From what I can tell on the website description, it appears to be in reference to the Cross Connection report. I submitted this report in March of this year & prior to the due date as confirmed by the email copied below. Please respond & advise that this violation will be deleted from our Water System records. if this is not related to the cross connection report, please provide details.”

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Associated Violations: Viol #900653405, 10/01/2023 - 02/19/2024: CCR - CCR Certification Late/Nonreporting

Viol #900653406, 01/01/2023 - 12/31/2023: VOC - Chemical Late/Nonreporting

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