OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 90730
Who Was Contacted: Steve Lambert
Contact Phone: 541-774-6238
Contact Date: 12/21/2023
Contact Method/Location: Field
Details: Background/Problem Identification:

It was concluded after a water system survey from OHA that a Tracer Study is needed to be performed to accurately calculate disinfection CT.

Assistance Provided:

After gathering the required data and creating the CT Methodology, it was submitted to OHA for approval. The OHA regulator provided comments per ORS that either the Tracer Study would need to be done in two parts or to modify the current water system so that one section would need to be sampled. After talking to the owner of the water system, it was determined that modifying the system would be better in the long run. The system then is to be modified first before a CT Study can be done.

Follow-Up Actions Needed:

Another CT methodology with a new theoretical CT will be created for the water system after the recommended improvements are made. Then the Methodology will be submitted to OHA for review, and upon approval, the Tracer Study will be performed. This Circuit Rider assistance is to be closed and then another Circuit Rider to be opened after implementation of the recommended modifications.

See attached CT Methodology, communication and schematics for reference.

Technical Reports to be Prepared and Expected Timeframe:


More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3125
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