OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00149
Who Was Contacted: Mike Matheson
Contact Phone: 254-212-9645 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 01/10/2019
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Details: The area cell phone service went down the evening of January 9 which affected their Mission controls (SCADA). Their reservoirs were full, so they decided to shut down the plant for the interim. The next morning when they started the plant up (at 7:30 AM), the check valve was stuck on one of their intake pumps (#3), so the intakes were not supplying enough water. After remedying this situation, the operator returned to the plant at 10 AM and discovered high pH levels - the caustic soda pump had been feeding at the same rate despite the lower-than-usual flow output from pump 3. [Though the chlorine level was largely unaffected because the vacuum gas regulators tend to balance with the flow through.] So they shut down production again. At the lab/plant, the highest pH recorded was 9.77. From the plant, all water flows to their 1.5 MG reservoir, which means approx. 143,500 gals of water with incorrect pH had flowed to the reservoir before the situation was discovered. They began measuring pH at both the reservoir and the first fire plug after that (peak measured in distribution was only 7.06). Meanwhile, they took corrective steps (drain and refill, etc.) until the treated water was back to regular pH at around 1 PM, when the WTP began feeding water to the 1.5 MG reservoir again.

For the future, they are investigating whether they could set the pumps to shut off or trip out and send an alarm if the flows ever become restricted again, and either rebuilding or replacing the check valve that caused the issue here.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4292
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