OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details |
PWS ID: | OR41 00792 | ||
Who Was Contacted: | DARRYL SYKES | ||
Contact Phone: | 503-543-5894 (Email address hidden) | ||
Contact Date: | 02/02/2024 | ||
Contacted By: | HOFELD, EVAN (DWP) | ||
Contact Method/Location: | Phone | ||
Assistance Type: | INCIDENT RESPONSE | ||
Reasons: | Other |
Details: | OERS Incident 2024-0338: I received an OERS report on 2/2/24 in which the "Scappoose Fire District reported the release of over 50 gallons diesel to the ground, possibly affecting a wetland nearby. The Fire Chief advised that a tree grinder caught on fire, causing the release of Diesel fuel. The responding fire units also used a small amount of foam to control the fire. The caller advised that the specific location was on a gravel access road to the west of the intersection the coordinates map to, next to the trees visible in Google Maps. Fire Units attempted to contain the release at the time of the incident. The caller advised that the location is very close to a wetlands area, and there are multiple streams nearby which could have been affected. The property owner is Midway Underground, contact phone # 360-904-1647. Scappoose Fire does not believe they have begun any cleanup at this time." I called and left a message for Darryl Sykes and e-mailed the OERS report to both Darryl Sykes and their City Engineer (Chris Negelspach – 1-503-543-7184 – ext 404 (or option 4, then option 2) who I also spoke to and is making sure the spill is cleaned up as it is close to their well. I recommended Chris contact Peter Farrelly if he had questions about sampling the well, but let him know about the BTEX sampling that could be done (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes) as something they could look in to if they wanted to do some testing. I also directed him to this DEQ spill cleanup site: https://www.oregon.gov/deq/hazards-and-cleanup/er/pages/how-to-report-a-spill.aspx And pointed him to the Kevin Chan (971-563-8819, kevin.chan@deq.oregon.gov) with DEQ to call for assistance with the cleanup based on this DEQ spill fact sheet: https://www.oregon.gov/deq/FilterDocs/WhatToDoSpill.pdf |