OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05523
Who Was Contacted: Joe Stoneverg
Contact Phone: 541-294-9019
Contact Date: 01/14/2019
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - Inactive but may open by end of 2019
Reasons: Operations
Details: Joe is a volunteer both at the camp and the fish hatchery next door. Both properties are owned by the State of Oregon, and currently share a water and a WW system. As of 2016 or so, the camp lease was taken over by the Boy Scouts of America - Oregon Trail Council and has been renamed "Camp Chinook." (Just prior to that, the camp was leased by Millicoma River Parks & Rec.) The fish hatchery (West Fork Millicoma Fish Hatchery) is currently leased by South Coast Anglers (STEP).

Joe phoned because the Oregon Trail Council has been receiving violation notices, though the camp has been closed to the public for a few years. After taking over the lease, the Boy Scouts got a grant and began remodeling the camp last year, including upgrades to the water system. Joe reports that at present, the water from the spring (open to the air in a 3-4 foot square pool before it flows into a pipe and a tank) goes downhill to new treatment installed in 2018 at the hatchery - both filtration and UV. Then the water flows for domestic use at both the hatchery and the camp. The OR Trail Council hopes to finish the camp upgrades and open it in late 2019. [In years past, a site inspection found that the "spring" flow was intercepted much further below in a stream, so surface water.]

This organizational camp will need to be licensed by Coos County. I advised Joe to contact Rick Hallmark at the county to ask both about that license and whether they could reconstruct the spring so that the water could be considered groundwater. (Rick inspected the spring in 2009 as part of a water system survey.) If not, they can submit info for plan review to see how close it is to meeting surface water treatment standards.

In the short term, I will update the name of the water system to Camp Chinook and change the status to inactive to stop the violations.
Associated Violations: Viol #, - : -

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2882
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