OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05282
Who Was Contacted: Frederic Johanesen
Contact Phone: 503-679-9245
Contact Date: 02/01/2024
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Details: Background/Problem Identification:

Valerie Tomasch from the Sunrae Estates Water System reached out to the circuit rider for assistance with implementation of the 8 items previously recommended by the circuit rider.

Assistance Provided:

The circuit rider spoke on the phone at length with Valerie Tomasch about the prior recommendations.

1. The water system should form a governing body such as an association/cooperative as soon as possible to manage the water system.
2. Currently the water system is charging $100 a year per customer for water. This is an inadequate amount to run even a small groundwater system like SEWS. We recommend that once the SEWS Water Association is formed that they adopt a tiered rate structure with a base rate of at least $40 per month for water service.
3. Installation of water service meters, backflow prevention, and shut off valves for each connection. This will assist in both tracking down customer side leaks and will also allow the Association to implement a tiered rate structure.
4. Problem trees adjacent to existing well house should be taken down.
5. Well house insulation, drywall and painting should be a high priority. The wellhouse also needs to be rodent-proofed ASAP.
6. A flow meter should also be installed on the entrance to distribution to both track usage and to compare with customer total usage to track distribution system leakage.
7. The existing electrical service should be replaced and ran in conduit underground to eliminate the potential of falling tree limbs or trees hitting the service drop.
8. Upgrade pumphouse electrical and include a generator transfer switch large enough for the well and some internal heating equipment for freeze protection.

After the initial conversation, the circuit rider had not heard back from Valerie or SEWS.

Follow-Up Actions Needed:

Circuit rider is available to assist further as needed.

Technical Reports to be Prepared and Expected Timeframe:


More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 274
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