OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00266
Who Was Contacted: Wilma Bryant
Contact Phone: 503-297-2543 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 01/22/2019
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Assistance Type: ENFORCEMENT
Compliance & Enforcement: Administrative Order: 01/16/2019 - 03/17/2020
Reasons: Operations
Details: The system contact called this office in response to the Admin order issued 1-16-19. She let me know that the distribution system has not had any low/no pressure events since late August 2018. Wilma checked with the onsite manager & the onsite manager remembered that the low/no pressure events ended on or around 8/31/18. The onsite manager had to implement water usage restrictions as many people were leaving their hoses running for extended periods or filling swimming pools. Once the restrictions were enforced, the system could keep up with demand. We discussed potentially adding more storage in the future. We also discussed water hauling to fill up the storage tank. The system currently has a 1550 gallon storage tank. I was able to officially lift the boil notice on this date.
We discussed the lack of a screened vent on the well head. I emailed her pictures from the 10/10/17 survey to show her the where the screen should be located on the pitless adapter well cap. She will contact the well driller that drilled the well to have a screen installed.
I advised her on lead & copper sampling. I let her know that the 5 samples are taken as a first draw in the morning & representative of where people are drinking. Such as the kitchen sink. This will require the home owner to help draw water as a lab tech likely won't have access to inside a residence. She will work with the lab & onsite manager to get lead & copper samples taken.
We also discussed having a small water certified operator. Mr. Lee had previously been the certified operator but his certification has lapsed. I let her know that either the onsite manager will need to be certified or a contract operator will need to be hired. She indicated that she will likely work to hire a contract operator.
Associated Violations: Viol #, - : -

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3288
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