OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95619
Who Was Contacted: KYLE WEBER
Contact Phone: (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 06/27/2024
Contact Method/Location: Email
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: Kyle, Would you please confirm receiving this email and if you have questions before the lead/copper samples due would you please call me at 541-266-6744. The goal here is 1) prevent/minimize chance of children consuming lead laden water and 2)complying with the rule.
A. Please consider all 5 of the lead/copper samples collected on 6/9 as invalid
B. Plan to collect 10 lead/copper sample sets near the end of the second school week and before end of septmeber from cold water faucets from these plumbing fixtures:
• The sink from each of the six class rooms
• One from the kitchen sink
• One from the mini kitchen sink
• One from the water fountain
• One from a sink in a toilet room customarily used by children and with a sink ideally easy for filling a bottle.
o Keep a written record of the 10 sample sites in a way that you (or a substitute) will use the same 10 places for each round of lead/copper samples for years’ to come. About the only time a sample site changes is if the plumbing fixture is taken out of commission, destroyed, etc.

C. Each of the 6/9 sample results show presence of lead/copper. Because old standing water will have “extra” I suggest flushing water lines especially relating to any plumbing replacement days BEFORE school starts. Flushing later will invalidate samples.
D. When planning to collect the 10 sample sets at end of second week of school, keep in mind:
• The water system needs at least 6 hours of rest before collecting lead/copper samples
• The morning of sampling should follow a normal school day and not a weekend or holiday.
By chance do 6/9 sample results give a hint of any suspect plumbing? FYI. There is no prohibition to replace some plumbing prior to start of school year and then test for lead/copper levels.
Be warned that stirring old pipes can release lead/copper into water. With any plumbing replacement make sure lines have ample time to clear prior to start of school. REST OF MESSAGE TRUNCATED.
Associated Alerts: ALERT IS NOT IN SDWIS YET

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