OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01340
Who Was Contacted: Susan Mlynarczyk
Contact Phone: (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 10/03/2024
Contacted By: DOWNS, KENT (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Email
Assistance Type: ENFORCEMENT
Compliance & Enforcement: Administrative Order: 08/29/2024 - Open
Reasons: SWTR
Details: 10.03.2024-The DWS compliance officer replied to Susan's email. Regarding the water rights certificate, a water rights certificate would not be necessary unless Susan (and her daughter) are using more than 15,000 gallons of water per day from the well, and unless she irrigates more than 1/2 acre of land. DWS compliance officer will contact Susan when managers at OHA decide how to proceed in this case.
10.02.2024-Regarding the option to connect Susan's private well to her daughter's home next door, Susan clarified that this option is no longer feasible. The State recently issued a statement that they are starting to severely limit the permits for ground water due to aquifer depletion. Additional permit and water certification would be needed because the water will be leaving Susan's property and going to another. The state has been reluctant to issue new certificates due to aquifer depletion.

Susan reiterated that she is not responsible for this water system. She stated the following: I am merely the president of a small group of people that use the same system with many others. I am not able to enforce any laws or force anyone to comply with the regulations that the state requires. I have talked to many of the people in the association and others that use the system, none of them are interested in having chlorination added to their water due to irrigation and livestock using the same water. I do not have any answers to this situation and need to leave this up to the state to resolve. However, the Association cannot bear the brunt of the solution because it involves others as well.

09.17.2024-Brad emailed Susan regarding the possibility connecting Susan's private well to her daughter's house next door. if they did this, only three homes would remain connected to the water system. This would make the system no longer fit the minimum requirements to be classified as a public water system.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2876
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