OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01409
Who Was Contacted: Tony Fields - contacted mike Dolan - Mike Dolan contact info below
Contact Phone: 408-781-0965
Contact Date: 03/14/2025
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: Coliform
Details: Our office received an email from Tony Fields with the DWP today, letting us know that he had been in contact with the water operator for this facility, Mike Dolan. The email reads as follows:

I just spoke with Mike Dolan with Finn Ranch WD (https://yourwater.oregon.gov/inventory.php?pwsno=01409) about their TC+. I was able to answer his questions about next steps (repeat samples immediately, Level 1 investigation within 30 days, and three additional samples next month), but wanted to ensure that you were aware of the contact and be ready to step in with any relevant advice or guidance you felt appropriate. I will also note that Mr. Dolan is attempting to take his repeat samples today, but we may need to wait until Monday if the lab isn’t open over the weekend.

I’ve cc’d Mr. Dolan with this e-mail, and he can also be reached by telephone at 408-781-0965.
Associated Alerts: TCR-3625 - 03/14/2025 - COLIFORM (TCR)

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