OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 06173
Who Was Contacted: Silas Olson
Contact Phone: 503-537-4504 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 02/28/2019
Contacted By: HOFELD, EVAN (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Assistance Type: ENFORCEMENT
Compliance & Enforcement: Not in SDWIS yet: -
Reasons: Coliform
Details: In a letter dated 11-30-09 from Tom Pattee (DWS Geologist) to Melvin Olson, Melvin was notified that Well 2 (YAMH52440, L45735) was inadequately constructed in that the casing seal only extended to 20-ft and not finished 5 feet into competent bedrock. In this way, the well poses a contaminant risk to wells 1 and 3. An adequately constructed casing seal for this well would extend to a minimum depth of 31-ft based on the materials described in the well log. Hiland was instructed to reconstruct or formerly abandon the well as it was considered a setback violation for JJ Water Well 1 (L38446). On 8-8-16, I received an e-mail with photos attached from Silas Olson demonstrating that Well #2 was disconnected from the water system with ownership transferred to Melvin Olson for use as a private well. Well drillers contact by Hiland Water stated that the well did meet construction standards for private well use, but not public well use. Due to the well being inadequately constructed for public use, Hiland WC had investigated options to either reconstruct the well or formally abandoned the well, however it was determined that the most cost effective solution was to disconnect the well from the JJ Water system and transfer ownership to Melvin Olson. I conducted a site visit on 9/16/16 and verified that the well is 104-ft away from the closest Hiland WC - JJ Water well (Well #1, L38466), which remains in service. The continued disconnected status of the well was confirmed in a phone conversation with Silas Olson on 2-28-19.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 5087
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