OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 90529
Who Was Contacted: Tony Tiano
Contact Phone: 503-915-5248
Contact Date: 12/03/2018
Contact Method/Location: Field
Details: Dan Vaage visited the site on Thursday October 25th, 2018. The orthophosphate system appeared to be in good condition and functioning properly. Mr. Tiano indicated that they were in the process of replacing sinks in the classrooms and a section of distribution piping in an effort to mitigate the elevated lead test results.
In emails after the site visit Mr. Tiano indicated that they do not “generally” test for phosphate residual in the distribution system and that the last test they did was 0.63 ppm. The HBH CCE recommended that a residual of at least 1.00 ppm be maintained, 3.00 ppm if there is either high DIC or a considerable amount of new copper piping (The system tested out at 23 mg/L DIC, and likely has copper piping, staff could not confirm the amount of copper piping, nor the installation date).

It is recommended that the Water System conduct regular testing for phosphate residual in the distribution system and make the appropriate adjustments to their orthophosphate injection pump. If the Water System is unable to properly test and adjust the orthophosphate injection system, we a recommend hiring a water operations consultant to do regular testing and adjustments to maintain the required phosphate residual in distribution.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 691
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